Active protection unit based on those used by the Ice Base.
- Intercepts ground- and air-launched missiles, as well as bombs and rockets
- Customizable lock volume, performance figures and laser color
- Smart Allocation Mode, which allows multiple units to work together more efficiently (read below)
- Supports rotated and scaled parts, so it can be freely nudged inside the aircraft
- Works on AI aircraft just as it does on the player aircraft
Behavior of AMBALL System
- When there is at least one AMBALL in play, suitable targets are scanned regularly.
- A database (in the form of a static list) is updated to keep track of targets.
- Each AMBALL starts with no target. It will lock onto a target as it enters the user-defined lock volume (angles and distance).
- The AMBALL will destroy the target after a set amount of time, which consumes one use of the AMBALL, unless infinite ammo is enabled.
- The AMBALL will search for its next target and reload.
- Alternatively, if the target moves out of the lock volume, or is destroyed by other means, there will be no reload time and no uses will be consumed.
The main ways to use the tracking performance parameters:
- Can rotate, small lock angle (e.g. CIWS, tank APS)
- Static, large lock angle (e.g. jammers and other ECM)
- Static, manually rotated by the player (e.g. Armored Core PS2)
- During the Reload Time, the Detonation Time will not count down. A new target can still be locked on during this time if Smart Allocation is off.
- The Laser Time is the duration within the Total Detonation Time during which the laser is visible.
- The laser is purely a visual effect. It does not cause the destruction of targets.
- Actual target destruction time varies due to the target scanning interval.
- There may be a significant response delay on newly-existing targets. This mainly concerns SAMs at very close ranges.
- SAM Evasion missiles are not supported by design. No cheating here!
Smart Allocation Mode
This prevents multiple AMBALLs on the same aircraft from locking onto the same target. An AMBALL with Smart Allocation will not lock onto a target that is being locked onto by another AMBALL, and will instead choose the next available target if available. The ability to handle multiple targets from the same direction is greatly improved.
In addition, the AMBALL will not search for targets while reloading. This generally promotes load balancing among AMBALLs.
This is recommended if the AMBALLs are servicing the same lock volume. There will be interference for AMBALLs with different but overlapping lock volumes, as target positioning in different lock volumes is not considered.
Dev Notes
Praise the Orb (image was removed due to discord moment)
This was a test to make laser defense turrets from scratch, for planes.
The design is based on the funny guided laser I put on a plane a while back. 3D model made in DesignSpark Mechanical and exported at very crunchy quality. It's still got a few hundred triangles, I don't know how to cut it down further. To make multiple material items, apply different colors on the faces of your choice. (Don't make multiple solids that each have a different color.)
I used the knowledge I gained from making AceRadar in making this. I did learn the continue
keyword though. Debugging was suffering, I went through like 4 different target tracking controllers and couldn't add rotation clamping. Anyways it seems mostly reliable now.
Also it's called Smart Allocation because it was quite cool when I added it. However, I added another lock-on controller which works using the lock volume, and it's much more important.
I tried adding an attach point on the rotating GameObject, but unfortunately it doesn't let parts rotate. There are just one on the back and one at the bottom now.
Version History
1.0 (220707) >
- Initial release
@THEBIGGAKLIPA about 90 percent of mods don't support mobile and the others are crazy hard to find unfortunately this mod doesn't work on mobile
I need this mod for a build that I am making, but I am on mobile, can anyone help?
@Ihavesnowball just because it's not called "sam destruction"
Hi hpgb, why don't they destroy the missiles in "same evasion?" or is it because the missiles are actually not "locking" onto the aircraft?
@hpgbproductions Ah, Ok
@Hellfire3627 you cannot use source code directly, it's just so people can see how the mod works
When I do the source code an my Galaxy S23 it takes me to this website
What do I do from here?
@CrestelAeronautics2 no
Can it double as a TLS?
@hpgbproductions Thank you very much for your help. I will give it a try now
@factorization20 service provider is a script you can add to your project if you import the sp mod tools. Go to SimplePlanes > Assets to add the service provider. After that, you can use the service provider in your C# file. Type
and see what you can read or write to..
If you want to get all objects with a standard unity component, you can use FindObjectsOfType.
If you want to get all objects with a component that is exclusive to sp or the third party assets it uses, you can reference this from line 51 to 59
All my mod code is open source, so i hope it's easier to make spmods nowadays.
@hpgbproductions Sorry,I misspelled it. It should be ‘Scene Object’.
Besides,what is ‘ service provider ’?
Is it difficult to implement my idea with C #? What do I need to do?
@factorization20 I don't know anything called sense object
The service provider has a way to get the player aircraft position.
If you want to find any aircraft, not just the player aircraft, you can search for aircraft component.
Sorry to bother you, do you know how to use Unity to make the 'Sense Objecbt' which in map plugin to follow my aircraft?
We need android version!
@hpgbproductions wait but is it possible to do it on Steam workshop this thing? it would be much easier...
@hpgbproductions i don't use a school pc i use some HP Pavillon old gaming pc
@hpgbproductions i will not do that im not 18+
@hpgbproductions idk how to disable parental controls you know what ill give up i wish Simple planes will add the Stealth technology to avoid missiles someday
@Wiksi123 no, contact your admin
@hpgbproductions is it possible to disable it?
@hpgbproductions :/
@Wiksi123 firewall and permissions thing really only applies if you have parental controls or are using a school/company device. The mod file is uploaded to the simpleplanes server, so downloads should not be blocked.
I can't really help with specific tech issues. If you can get other mods there is no reason you can't get this one
@hpgbproductions how do you alllow that?a
@hpgbproductions Btw nice truck you released