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AI Plane Replacer

110k hpgbproductions  1.7 years ago
Version 1.0 Tool

This mod provides an automated process to replace aircraft files on launching the game.

By default, the game reloads a bunch of hidden aircraft files when it is started, preventing players from changing them and affecting how game missions play. However, this can be circumvented simply by modifying the aircraft files after starting the game.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Download the mod by clicking on the SPMOD option in the GitHub releases page.
  2. Install the mod and activate it in the game.
  3. Go to the AppData folder where SimplePlanes data is saved. Enter the NACHSAVE/REPLACER directory.
  4. Two files, README.TXT and REPLACER.TSV, will be available. Open the README for more information.
  5. Use the instructions to choose the AI aircraft file you want to clear, and the data you want to replace it with.

Example TSV file data (entries separated by horizontal tab characters):

__aiPlaneFile1__.xml    MyPlane.xml
__aiPlaneFile2__.xml    C:\\Users\Username\My Plane 2.xml

For aircraft testing purposes, you can also use the ReplaceAircraftFiles dev console command to reload aircraft files at any time.

My TSV implementation isn't full, it only uses string.Split(), and reads each line separately. This means it does not support line breaks and special whitespace characters. However, they cannot be added to file paths anyway, so it is good enoughtm for this application.


This mod is able to change any file you have selected, not just AI aircraft files. No support is available for the loss of any data, aircraft files or otherwise.


Q: Some AI planes are not being replaced.
A: Check the dev console or log for error messages. This will tell you the problem. Check that:
- File names/paths are spelt correctly.
- REPLACER.TSV is in the REPLACER folder and formatted correctly.
- REPLACER.TSV does not have fields surrounded by double-quotes ( " )
- Files are not being used by a program other than this mod.
- Files are not hidden and you have permissions to modify them.

Q: AI planes in mods are not being replaced.
A: Mod maps and levels usually use the AI Aircraft Spawner Proxy in the mod tools. This uses aircraft files in the mods. They do not use files from the AircraftDesigns folder. Therefore, this mod cannot change these aircraft.

Q: I didn't read the instructions, and deleted the aircraft that I spent 420 hours on.
A: You could say that it has gone up in smoke.

Tanker Notice

The aerial refueling tanker can be changed by modifying __aiRefuelTanker__.xml. It uses Funky Trees to select a target speed using Throttle, which is fixed by the tanker spawner. The target IAS of a tanker is defined as lerp(55, 125, Throttle) m/s.

The tanker also uses Funky Trees for automatic flap deployment, but otherwise, it is just a normal plane flying with Pitch and Roll.

Version History

1.0 (2304141230) >

  • Initial release

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    I am gofs

    10 months ago
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    416 porgpilot

    @DatMaluchGuy19 i am

    +1 one year ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan

    @hpgbproductions oh, thought you are japanese xd

    1.2 years ago
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    @DatMaluchGuy19 no

    1.2 years ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan


    Are You Japanes???

    1.2 years ago
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    20.5k tl

    @hpgbproductions :)

    1.2 years ago
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    @TheTomatoLover no more 69, not nice >:(

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    20.5k tl

    70th upvote :)

    1.2 years ago
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    11.6k Blueshift

    very good idea - great work - 👍👍👏 I would like to release a modified AiRefuelTanker that I need for myself with an automatic mod tool... but maybe I would write my own program for it - unfortunately I have so little time and so many more ideas.. 😊

    1.3 years ago
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    Is there a video on how to do this?

    1.6 years ago
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    28.6k YarisSedan


    Quelle intelligenze artificiali stanno diventando più intelligenti e io sono spaventato a morte per questo...

    and no im not italian, i just put all of the words to google translate because y e s

    +8 1.7 years ago
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    442 Zilozite

    best mod cover ever but i still love tanker and enemy planes

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    @Graingy it's either ww2 dogfight enemy, or i made a mistake and downloaded someone's repaint of the p-51

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    3,722 JumpingJack

    @Spacejunkee8 I don't have the time and energy to spend hours a day on sp anymore. I got a life now bro.

    1.7 years ago
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    36.9k Graingy

    wait hold up what's that propeller thing in the thumbnail?
    The orange and black P-51 looking thingamajig

    1.7 years ago
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    4,037 Spacejunkee8

    @JumpingJack C'mon! Start building again, I love your builds!

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    44.4k rexzion


    1.7 years ago
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    3,722 JumpingJack

    @Spacejunkee8 I ended up spending dozens of hours troubleshooting only to never fix the problem with my build. Thought it was a waste of time and I haven't worked on it since.

    1.7 years ago
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    4,037 Spacejunkee8

    @JumpingJack Why don't you post anymore? Are you making something big, or...

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    @dINE probably not, since text files work well enough for this

    1.7 years ago
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    @JumpingJack generally the easier my mod is to make, the crappier the thumbnail i give it lol

    1.7 years ago
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    3,722 JumpingJack

    You really understand marketing with that thumbnail lol

    1.7 years ago
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    12.7k JuanShot2Go

    Oh boy! I can't wait to spend some with this mod. Going to be careful installing but has the potential to really up the game.

    1.7 years ago
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    12.1k dINE

    Awesome mod, well done ! Will thesr settings be available as UI one day or that is out of question?

    1.7 years ago
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    1,814 Ashdenpaw1

    Amazing image

    1.7 years ago
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