Welcome to Shrimp Island!
This small island is located northeast of Wright Island and is the perfect place for plane spotting.
Feedback is welcome!
Known issues:
Collision between groups of rocks
Have fun, Firgreen.
Welcome to Shrimp Island!
This small island is located northeast of Wright Island and is the perfect place for plane spotting.
Feedback is welcome!
Known issues:
Collision between groups of rocks
Have fun, Firgreen.
Bro my sister likes shrimp
perfect for small planes
@Stinkyhouse no
@Stinkysock No, sorry.
Is it for mobile?
@NorthwestIndustries Thank you very much! The first plug-in after Shrimp Island was Dune Airport. I hope to find the time to implement whole islands in the future.
@Firgreen you spoke of further projects and if they are anything like this im absolutely looking forwards to it, I love the vibe of this little rock so much and would love to explore more places like this
Hey @Jundroo I’m Not sure If you guys take ideas or not but, us mobile players like me are getting bored of the same maps. I’m Wondering if we could have small map plugins like Shrimp Island, As it’s very small, and wouldn't affect the game graphics by a lot. I’m Asking on this post because I don’t know what else to put it on. If you can’t, that’s ok.
@XtarsTheExdarichGuy33106 android moment
@DatMaluchGuy19 fake news
Thats my dream island right there.
Practically Introvert's Dreamland
@ShiroNeko Thank you! Shrimp island was basically meant as a test for larger projects. At the moment I'm working on such a plugin. When I'm done, which I hope to be soon, I want to expand shrimp island.
Very nice, simple and clean plugin, though I have a change request if possible. Could the boat dock's terrain be lowered so that watercrafts can be as close to it (almost touching)?
@Firgreen I Believe A Plugin Like This Could Still Be Downloaded For Android, Although... You Need To Put It Inside The Sp Mod Files For It To Work However.
@Firgreen благодарю
@LIQUIDconsumer I Landed on it with Cardboard plane (Was in the best boutta year ago)
@TheArkanOKB Just spawn at Wright and zoom out . You should see the Island on the right side.
подскажите пожалуйста, какой курс нужно взять с аэропорта Райт?
that trail to the light house looks SOO land-able....
mf animal crossing new leaf
Shrimp are the fruit of the sea
@Firgreen Mmmm, yummy!
its as shrimple as that
@Pan 3:>
@LunarEclipseSP Yes, so you can enjoy them through and through.
However, I would advise against putting them directly on a grill, as the kerosene-soaked water around Wright Island will cause them to explode on direct contact with fire.