It's a part that allows you to designate targets for missiles to lock on to. It's pretty easy to use.
It has two modes:
Live mode
The target appears when you activate it, follows the "laser" around and disappears when you turn it off. It's the more realistic mode.
Persistent mode
The target is created on whatever object it hits first and stays there until you exit or restart. Less realistic.
Other than that, just point it at the target and activate it!
@Stephen22 you cant
@S1lly how did @RussianPLANEfighter360 do it than
@Stephen22 you cant
@RussianPLANEfighter360 how to download on mobile
I'd love a new updated version of this so I can use it with the new android update
@Rrrrdantplanemaker why not
Do Not Download The Mod
@Amirshah yes its not work on : (
@johanplayzthis yes jk
Does this file contain any virus?
I can use it against air targets if i really try
Still rather usable thing to fire some guided munitions at inanimate objects such as those bridges at Krakabloa.
Also, considering some modern trends in development of said guided munitions, the "persistent" mode is actually more realistic one.
is it possible to make motors move to the "target"? and is it possible to set a "target" on a moving thing like an plane? because than u can set a target to a plane and the motors will move to the target and u can use a gun attached on the motors to shot the plane down.
Tell me more
@WNP78 Thank you very much for the information, I came to a similar conclusion. Trigger matter
@mikoyanster first of all, that will trigger whenever any collider enters the trigger. This means it will get triggered many many times if the player flies through it, leading to a lot of aircraft spawned in the same place. Secondly, the GameObject field should be defined inside the class, instead of outside it. Thirdly, instantiating an asset may not be the best way to go about this. The AI spawner script will not activate until it is enabled. So instead of instantiating it from an asset, it would be better to have the
already in place on your map, but make the gameobject it is on inactive (the checkbox by the object name in the inspector). Then, when the trigger activates, simply doAiAircraftSpawner.SetActive(true);
to spawn the aircraft. This also means that it can only be activated once and won't repeatedly spawn aircraft on top of each other.Hello! i´m trying to develop a simple code for spawn IA plane with Unity... i build this code...
public GameObject AIAircraftSpawner;
public class miko3TriggerPlane : MonoBehaviour{
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider player){
I don´t know if i codding correctly, i obtain errors in each test. May you help me...? it´s posible spawn an AI Aircraft Spawner when player go to location (for example cube with trigger)? Thanks in advance! ;-)
@Tekwarrior which way are you trying to install them, just opening the files or copying them into the mods directory? If you're not, try copying them into the mods folder directly (if you can't find the mods folder see here)
For some reason all mods I try to install from the Simpleplanes website don't seem to install, they just load for a very long time. Help?
It will just stay in the middle.
I cant aim higher.
@8bitgamer33 because when you're laser designating a target, it tends to be on the ground
Why doesn't it work for air-to-air missiles?
Please improve this the targeting is a half a mile off when in persistent mode tring to target a block in the sky but it is moving with the object speed it would be awesome for anti-missile system targeting the missiles :)
@WNP78 OK, sorry (i was mentioned an Unity project, if it is on Github). I need just a method, which allows to spawn a target mark for ATA and ATG. Or list of SP methods, which will be awesome.
Sorry for being shameless)
@ShockRF source code is not a concrete entity, it is a far-reaching concept which cannot be described in NTFS format. Compiled code being the rationalised end product, the process to create it requires you to divide the approximation for the output stack size by the amount of times it takes to find this value. These difficulties make it an NP-complete task so imma drop the mic here and leave