423 RussianPLANEfighter360

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joined 6.0 years ago

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Hello commrades I am russianPLANEfighter360 as you must now know by now (at least I hope so) and I am here to tell you to cheer up. but back to simple planes stuff I do XML edits (with limits) so ask me for some things and I will see what I can do. I’m going to work on light weight craft (they may look bad sorry) until I get better at the game with making things if you want to partner up Just Ask!, I won’t mind it. If you take something of mine down to inform me of it no credit needed when using my craft. I have invented a truly self guided missile for this game my WALAC-10 missile is fired at the selected target without a lock on if No target is selected it goes for the nearest available target its not a mod its purely in game tricks and skill.
This is the current discord to contact me or my group or too join it