Dreamer island
22.6k Visify
7.8 years ago
Version 1.0
No Tags
Hello everyone, I'm back with another map. This project took me a total of 2 weeks and features:
-Large airport with static airliners(Modeled in Cinema 4D)
-A fleet
-Small airport
-Perhapse the most dangerous runway in Simpleplanes
-A bunch of AA tanks and a convoy
-An air race track
I hope all of you enjoy this map! I sure have.
mobile revolution
Do you have the links of that planes parked at the airport?
@Boioboi Yes we need Android please!
Why is every map with a realistic kinda airport not available on android lol
@Visify please make it on android I cant find any cool android maps but this map is cool
Android please
can you make a Android version of this
i want this soooooooo bad
why cant i download mods. i have a macbook pro.
@Visify great plane I downloaded it
Looks BEAUTIFUL but if only you could make it for android as well?
@Visify np
@ForeverPie Thanks
hmmm I believe other people have pulled it off. Maybe ask others how to do it? idk. I guess the airport is very good as it is, its the only airport on a custom map I even like. @Visify
@ForeverPie Nope doesnt work
maybe put them in the folder you get the airports, décor, etc. from (I don't remember what its called, Materials maybe?) @Visify
@ForeverPie Because theyre built in simpleplanes. And I dont know how to export simpleplanes builds to unity other than spawning them in as AI using a built in prefab
@Visify Why could you not add them as default static planes?
@Delphinus Much appreciated!
@ForeverPie The only way I could put those in is as AI aircraft. And that would lag the map alot.
@xYoshiLP same. This is the first airport that satisfied me.
@Visify yes
@ForeverPie The ones you made in simpleplanes?
Suggestion: Can you put some of my 1:1 scale airliners in the big airport instead of the default airplanes in pic 6? It would be a lot more realistic!