It looks like google broke my sharing links. I will fix this ASAP, but in the meantime, downloading may not be possible for this mod. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Backstory/Basic Info
The Nexus, or Research and Commerce Nexus, is the name of an oceanic planet that hosts the embassies and research centers of various prominent organizations. The planet is owned by SPECorp, and, while all information comes from speculation, it is believed that the company owns massive amount of deep-sea infrastructure. However, the company does have an above-ground testing facility, which is located on SPECorp’s main island. Facilities for prototype testing are, coincidentally, a short flight away from SPECorp’s headquarters.
The center for commerce, the Commerce Nexus, is central to the planet. This area is a hub of economic productivity – various corporate and government officials meet here to conduct business.
A residential sector is a short flight from the Commerce Nexus. Various apartment complexes, a large hotel, and a small garden - named the “Garden of the Sun” - have been constructed for the convenience and pleasure of all individuals who wish to do business in the Nexus. Landing pads, for VTOL aircraft, are a common sight across the Nexus, as inter-island commutes, as well as transportation in general, have been streamlined by using air-based executive transport.
Perhaps you may have heard of another notable company, T-Corp, that used to be in the Nexus. Unfortunately, that company failed to meet SPECorp’s ethical business guidelines; T-Corp, therefore, has been expelled from the Nexus. All entities operating in SPECorp’s Research and Commerce Nexus must align with SPECorp’s values – its SPECorp’s land, after all.
- Three distinct islands
- Custom buildings with original architecture
- User-made advertisements
- Performance-maximizing map design (I paid close attention to lag on this one)
User-Created Companies
What other companies can you find in The Nexus?
- ArcCorp and Orion Foundries. Two companies overseen by Ephwurd.
- HARPIA Defense Systems. Founded by Dimkal.
- MMC Aerospace. Founded by Rodrigo110
- Bohemian Aerospace. The founder did not provide a username.
- M.A Raven A9. Not a company, but an aircraft designed by Marcox43
Want to know more? Visit this image to see more!
Additional Media
Links to the builds in the screenshots (clickable images!):
_Oh, and the tank, in the image with the adverts, was built before I made icons for each of my builds. I’ll just put link the teaser graphic that I made for it, instead.
Link to the image
Link to the Tank
Before You Download
Downloads are through google drive. No sharing permissions are needed. Just press the “download” button!
I was too lazy to beta test – I decided not to delay the map any longer than needed with a beta test.
Lag should be minimal, although android devices and lower-end computers will vary in performance.
Sorry if this post seemed hasty! Even with my shortage of time, I wanted to follow up on my promise to release this map! Besides, so much of the backstory of my builds involves this map...
@B3RN4L675 what
@Craigdimension4 no ha respondido? A mi me pasa lo mismo y no me lo abre
@spefyjerbf the map is on a old version may you please and Nexud designer
Its not working on me, it says, it was builded on old sp version
Its not working for me
@preda046 Good to see you again. Ty!
hi spefyjerbf, i met u in the Sunburn and Obrydn-L posts. Nice mod!
@Alpha6 Awesome!
I included this in a fictional news report I wrote
@Alpha6 Nice find! Looks like they beat me to the url Hey, a SPEcorp website!
@spefyjerbf ok
@4Dimensional Most likely not. I am encountering a bug in which the workshop rejects my file. I might try the workshop this summer, with the updated SP mod tools.
@spefyjerbf Will you make a steam version?
@ThomasRoderick No worries, I thought about doing it, but in the end, I was just too lazy
@spefyjerbf Don't worry, it's just me thinking "Hey, wouldn't it be nice to take off straight from the in-game designer?". I'm a weirdo, that's it.
@ThomasRoderick The Nexus designer’s island wasn’t included in the map. As for the map, I might, depending on how much time I have.
Could you please give a map to this area? I mean I can't quite understand where I am when flying inside this map... Also, could anybody please tell me which island (and if possible, which location) is the nexus designer on?
@Fellout That’s wonderful to hear! I tried my hardest to make this one run well on All devices
Very fun to fly around in, and it runs smoothly with my potato of a phone!
@spefyjerbf got it, thanks!
@Fellout Downlod the file. There is no need to open it! When the file is downloaded, double-click to run.
Please help, I'm using the reccomended file explorer and I can't open the drive.
@spefyjerbf i see, thanks for the help! much appreciated