Flyweight - Shark Tooth

Created 7.9 years ago

Plane Requirements

  • Course: Shark Tooth
  • Class: Unlimited
  • XML modded engines and fuel tanks are NOT allowed
  • Max Part Count: 17
  • Max Length: 20 meters
  • Max Wingspan: 20 meters
  • Max Height: 10 meters
  • Must be an original (ie - not a successor of another player's plane)
  • No weapons
  • Activation Group 8 will never activate
  • Time Limit: 3 minutes

Read the Tournament Guide here for more info on how we run tournaments and what this all means.

IMPORTANT: 17 Parts Max!

This is a flyweight tournament, so you can only have up to 17 parts in your airplane!


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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    @SuperSanic I can hear how my hair, beard, nails and teeth grow ...

    7.9 years ago
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    6,300 Mykl


    7.9 years ago
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    12.8k Stampede

    @AndrewGarrison hello! I remember the livestream when you reviewed my Sukhoi? Yes, I'd love to see that again, but this time cars!

    7.9 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Don't forget weapons!
    But seriously, that would be a great idea, to have a new race class. According to your rules that you set, it should be called Flyweight Mod Class @EarthwormJim

    7.9 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    That was my personal idea when joined here - like to build something for competitions but rules are somewhat tight. My current position is to drop all rules and have better 'Unlimited' class - only two rules, max part count to be 15-20 and allowed max power multiplier is 5x. And yeah, we need a better track - something like Indy Air Race but a bit bigger for jets

    7.9 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Then let's pick an open (not restricted) track, like Oceanview and Bandit @EarthwormJim

    7.9 years ago
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    2,662 EarthwormJim

    The class doesn't matter - the only that matters is that the AI beats you up with a class. Every. Single. Tournament

    7.9 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    Flyweight Mod Class: Specific mods allowed

    Mod Prop Class:
    Same as mod class, but only props!

    7.9 years ago
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    48.9k Baldovino

    @hopotumon I did not notice the bug... I just view again the stream of us race, and appear I reach the last ring first. Thanks for sharing this. :) But do not worry, it's not a problem for me.

    7.9 years ago
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    75.0k hopotumon

    because we have to see the planes alternately.

    7.9 years ago
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    75.0k hopotumon

    or because our eyes are not able to see it.

    7.9 years ago
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    75.0k hopotumon

    The case may also have occurred in the final round of the tournament in oceanview speedway, when I beat @Baldovino

    7.9 years ago
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    8,659 Zkillerwolfe

    Mod class means XML modding is allowed. Other sorts of mods still won't work.

    7.9 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    @mushr0om this race no last race yes because it was a mod race.

    7.9 years ago
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    @ddweck32 Love that movie. Unfortunately there's no way to re-run the last few rounds. Also, I have more unfortunate news, EUCL3D closed down, so we can't do 3D prints anymore :(

    7.9 years ago
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    4,680 ddweck32

    @AndrewGarrison Thanks Andrew, appreciate the explanation, wasn't sure if Russia impacted the results ;-)

    There's no way to re-run the last 3-4 rounds of the tournament with the 8 planes that would be competing? Couldve made a slower plane that still would have won, I feel like Nick Swardson in Grandmas boy - At least I'll have the pride of building a plane too fast for the track

    Let me know if there's anything that can be done to re-do the final rounds, was hoping to add another 3uclid print to the collection

    7.9 years ago
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    @CoBros2 Your plane loaded correctly. I just finished uploading the first part of this tournament so you should be able to see your race now.

    7.9 years ago
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    @ddweck32 Thanks for letting me know. That definitely looks like a bug and you should have won. Your plane was going so fast it blew right through the ring before the game could register you had entered the ring's collider. I had fixed this bug on all other rings, but I forgot to include this fix on the finish ring. I'm sorry about that, there's nothing I can do about it now, but it shouldn't be an issue in the future.

    7.9 years ago
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    4,680 ddweck32

    @Zkillerwolfe Thanks for the reply, are you saying that I didn't infact miss a ring and should have won?

    7.9 years ago
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    18.8k mushr0om

    @CoBros2 Did you use any parts from a mod? If so, that's why

    7.9 years ago
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    2,107 CoBros2

    @AndrewGarrison my plane didn't show up in the live stream so I didn't even have a chance to race. The same thing happened last tournament, my plane didn't load, all that was loaded was a cockpit two blocks and my paint job.

    7.9 years ago
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    55.4k Beefy

    @AndrewGarrison nuuuu

    7.9 years ago
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    8,659 Zkillerwolfe

    There is a bug in the game that sometimes makes the game think that a plane missed the last ring when said plane goes through the finish at high speeds but didn't miss the last ring.
    This usually happens at higher speeds than 1200mph, but I've seen it before even at that speed. You probably were rather unlucky there.

    7.9 years ago
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    4,680 ddweck32

    @AndrewGarrison I think there may have been a glitch in the race i lost, see the video here: 3rd race

    It says I missed a ring but only after the race ends, it also says that I missed 1 of 30 rings when there are only 29 rings in the race itself

    It appears to me that there is an invisible ring after 29 which I missed, causing me to lose the race despite finishing 7 seconds quicker than the ultimate tournament champion

    Can you let me know if I'm wrong here? Thanks as always! Good chance in misinformed but typically when Missing a ring mid-race it says so on the race scoreboard hud which doesn't happen in the above video

    Wouldn't kick up a stink otherwise if i ultimately didn't have a chance at winning the tournament, appreciate it


    7.9 years ago
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    @Alienbeef0421 I just checked the code. It does validate min/max values on input controllers. Sorry if I crushed your hopes and dreams ;) It's been a long time since I wrote that code!

    7.9 years ago
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