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United Airlines Flight 232 Recording

9,468 NotRealToxicUser  3.9 years ago
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    Just imagine you being a passenger in this crash;
    You awaken from your sleep, you are sitting in a blue fabric seat in a compartment with hundreds of other people sitting in other blue fabric seats alongside you. You shuffle into a comfortable position to fall asleep again, but the compartment begins to shake and rock unstably, and you feel uneasy. You see a window next to your seat, and open up yellow-tinted blinds that had been covering them, only to notice that a runway is below the plane, and you are somewhat relieved, until speakers from the roof announce the following: "Brace for impact!" And all the people around you immediately duck and bury their heads into seats in front of them, and you follow suit, only for the compartment to suddenly jerk to the right side and shortly after hear a loud "PLOOM" followed by a "SCREEEEEEECH" followed by a final "KA-PLOW" concerned greatly, you rapidly take a glance at the window, only to see the wing now a wreck of blackened aluminum engulfed in large flames that slowly engulf the exterior of the plane. You bury your head yet even deeper into the seat in front of you, praying under your breath. You hear a "CREEEEEEEAKKKKK" and then "PLOOOWWWWW" as a massive heatwave overcomes you and knocks your face out of the seat and leaning back into your seat. You notice that your compartment and the other compartment have now been torn apart and that you're compartment is skidding off the runway into a cornfield, with small fireballs leaking into the compartment, scorching most of the once-alive people to a crisp. You attempt to resume your brace position, but another heatwave blasts you back, this time, you hear a "CRAAACCKKK" from your neck, and you feel anguishing pain, filling tears to your eyes. You take one look outside in front of you to see massive, thick towers looming toward the compartment, which is now hurdling across the burning cornfield, you see another compartment skidding across the cornfield, eventually flipping over and detonating into pillars of fire. After surviving this long, you deicide to bail out of the compartment, but once you hold your thumb against the seat buckle, a more stronger heatwave blasts you back even deeper into your seat, you can barely see, as a bright light flashes in front of you and blinds your vision. After some time, you regain your vision, but in a blur. The last thing you can hear is a "WOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH" as you see a massive fireball emerging from the front of the compartment, burning and scorching anything alive, and after all that time, in under minutes, let alone seconds, you finally fall asleep again.

    2.7 years ago
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    30.1k TriStar

    If @WestAviation is the alt of @ToxicToxicTheAviation then he’s giving himself free upvotes...

    3.9 years ago
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    36.2k Cereal

    please don't the video keep going even if it's off-topic even though you make the video it's okay as long as the video doesn't continue or the mod will see it as long as only simpleplanes are allowed for recording in simpleplanes, just let me know

    3.9 years ago
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    140k BaconEggs

    why is this even a trend on sp now

    3.9 years ago
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    3.9 years ago