9,468 NotRealToxicUser

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joined 4.2 years ago

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I am an Indonesian Guy. This Account Is Including Plane Or Others. Please Support By Follow, Comment, And Upvote.

About My Account

I Will share the plane that look real happens in real life and adding a challenge (Also that not involved the crash) also things. Subscribe To My YouTube Channel.

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Join My Discord Server

I Love The Account That Already Subscribed My Channel And Joined My Discord Server. So, If You Want Receive A Notification Of New Video From Me, Subscribe. Want Talk With Me, Join My Discord Server. Subscribe And Join My Discord Because We Are Man, Not A Robot.


All The plane was replica and real but has involved on their accidents also not and make some things.


My YouTube Channel Name Is Toxic Aviation. I Like Making A Plane Crash Videos, Trip Reports And Others. Remember Me? Join My Discord. Doesn't Want late for new videos, Subscribe To My YouTube Channel.

Plane I Create

I Make Amazing planes and adding a challenge you can see also the things. You can see that plane was involved its crash (not only that).

Second Account

Here Is The Second Account. Please Follow Him Too.

My SimpleRockets Account

Here is the account, Click here. For The rocket crash is on my SimpleRockets Account.


May 19, 2014: YouTube Channel Created

June 15, 2020: Started To Upload New Video

December 30, 2020: SimplePlanes Account Created

January 17, 2021: First Post

March 20, 2021: Reach 100 Subscribers

March 26, 2021: Reach 1.000 Points

April 4, 2021: Change The Name

May 27, 2021: Reached Gold

June 10, 2021: 6,000 Points

My liked planes

In this web, i like airplanes with full interior or cabin interior.

User Page: 29

Click this if you are feels not good today

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Previously known as AviationToxic, ToxicToxicTheAviation, ToxicAviationAviation, RandomNameWithToxic, ToxicAviAviation, NotAToxicUser