@Brayden1981 I don't have this plane anymore, I lost it from my game
? @Titaninfernal1
@Brayden1981 unfortunately I missed that plane, I didn't usually do security backups, and then this happened, it was a T4...
I can test it if you want @Titaninfernal1
@Arthuur eu sei cara kkkkkkk
@Arthuur eu sei, é costume que eu tenho
@Titaninferna sou eu arthurplayer carai mudei de nome
@Titaninferna kkkkkkkkk pq tu me respondeu em ingles kkkkkkkkkkk
@Bobyo Just a T-4 bomber doing uncontrollable post stall maneuvers! nothing much...
@IceCraftGaming lol
@Arthuur The maneuver is called:I forgot to put one of the wings
gostei da manobra
I don't see anything wrong here.
vine boom
estabilidade maxima
@Brayden1981 I don't have this plane anymore, I lost it from my game
? @Titaninfernal1
@Brayden1981 unfortunately I missed that plane, I didn't usually do security backups, and then this happened, it was a T4...
I can test it if you want @Titaninfernal1
@Arthuur eu sei cara kkkkkkk
@Arthuur eu sei, é costume que eu tenho
@Titaninferna sou eu arthurplayer carai mudei de nome
@Titaninferna kkkkkkkkk pq tu me respondeu em ingles kkkkkkkkkkk
@Bobyo Just a T-4 bomber doing uncontrollable post stall maneuvers! nothing much...
@IceCraftGaming lol
@Arthuur The maneuver is called:I forgot to put one of the wings
gostei da manobra
I don't see anything wrong here.
vine boom
estabilidade maxima