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Dwarfed system

15.0k FomahaultCoredemshau  1.5 years ago
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    @Allegro369 yeah, just until you hear about hubris lol

    1.5 years ago
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    3,228 Allegro369

    @AWESOMENESS360 life would probably got reck'd before they could evolve even if it's tardigrades

    1.5 years ago
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    3,228 Allegro369

    @XtarsAgency uhh look it's a bird, it's a plane, sike it's a gravity that exists in every objects in the universe which in this case is very weak to hold a ring that far away from the planet considering the diametre is only hundreds of kilometres and the ring would just go buy their own milks. Also a gas giant that large would not produce enough tidal heating or even enough gravity to hold them. This might be prevented by increasing the density of the fart giant since more mass equals to more gravity. Also forgot to mention that planets that small would have a gravity too weak to hold a stable atmosphere and most importantly life as we know it. If there is still human like lifeforms on the planet they would be taller than the Dutch due to the low gravity and would evolve into some 8 legged monstrosity cuz they need more grip on the surface.

    1.5 years ago
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    @Allegro369 I mean technically because of how ridiculously hot neutron stars are (anywhere from several hundred thousand to several million degrees Fahrenheit) they technically could support life, but given the fact that they also release a LOT more X-Ray radiation, life would have to evolve to resist that to the point where it isn’t fatal, which idk how that would work. Pulsars on the other hand would not be suitable to support life even in the slightest, as they fire extremely powerful radiation jets from their poles, which basically incinerate anything and everything they hit.

    1.5 years ago
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    @Allegro369 nah, i fucjed up the scale I THOUGHT IT WAS KILOMETERS NOT METERS in the Radius settings cuz... It doesnt tell me just "Radius:1.000" and i dont know

    Also, Artificial lights? That could work, considering Water World basically exists because, guess what? 4.7 kilometer wide lava crater that constantly produces heat and fumes to keep the planet warm, but also able yo kill people in like 8 seconds

    Edit: bruh and you still ignored how 577km is enough for a gas giant, i'd like to call it little gas lol
    Edit: and gravity is broken
    Edit: i dont think Arectigo can even exist if it is a 577km Radius planet with a nearly 5892000km ring though, maybe it works like J1048B which relies on cosmic dust

    1.5 years ago
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    3,228 Allegro369

    @XtarsAgency finally a chance to teach my friend something...


    A star having the radius smaller than the Earth seems to be impossible due to the lack of mass and gravity required to produce fusion reaction. The smallest star ever observed is EBLM J0555-57Ab which is merely the size of Saturn. Stars that are smaller than that will eventually turn into a brown dwarves which are in the middle of stars and planets. The most possible type of star to be smaller than the Earth would be neutron stars which are only 10-25km in diameter. However neutron stars woud be too dim to light up the planets and therefore would not be able to harbour life. If you insist to have the star small you can replace it with a gas giant or brown dwarf. They would heat the planets using tidal heating. I'll just assume that the planet inhabitants are already smart enough to construct artificial lights

    1.5 years ago
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    @Hahahahaahahshs dont worry heres the scale:
    Water World has a radius of 533km
    Exagonal has a radius of 356km
    Arectigo has a radius of 579km
    And the red dwarf has a radius of only a little 3689km, way tinier than earth and is Still a star
    The system is tiny in comparison to the other smallest space system in JNO
    Oh i forgot about hubris: it has a radius of only 1 KM yes it is only 2Kilometers in diameter, also its circumfrence is 2×π!(ignore the ! Its not a math symbol, dont even try to see what ! Does in math)

    1.5 years ago
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    prop to the camera man for going out of this world to get these shots

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    1.5 years ago
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    Guess how much Arectigo has shown up in every scene!
    It just shows how large its rings are

    1.5 years ago