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Zero Lenght Launch Tutorial (+Demo)

52.6k NewWorldAerospace  2 months ago
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    Zero Length Launch Tutorial For :

    ● F-104A Starfighter
    ● F-104C Starfighter
    ● F-104G Starfighter/Widowmaker
    ● F-100A Super Sabre
    ● F-100D Super Sabre

    Sequence :

    ● First, Set Flap To Fully Extended And Un-arm Weaponry (Deactivate AG-8)
    ● Then, Arm ZLL (AG-4) And Set Throttle To 75%
    ● Lastly, Set Throttle To 100%. When The Afterburner Is Burning, Trigger The ZZL RATO Booster (AG-5). Retracts Flaps And Landing Gear Once You In The Air

    Note :

    ● Make Sure You Spawn/Launch On A Flat And Clear Surface/Area
    ● Keep Your Nose Pointing At ±25° Up During The Launch
    ● Pray Before Launch (Optional*)

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    ZZL Equiped Aircrafts :

    F-104A Starfighter ZLL
    F-100D Super Sabre ZLL

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    3,159 BlackBird7


    +1 2 months ago
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    You can Straight fly

    +1 2 months ago
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    What if, B-52 ZLL
    thinking emoji

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Zhixunlin23 , @Maverick09 , @Angelcod73

    2 months ago