10.2k ReynaldoHeavyIndustries
Player Biography
I like with a planes helicopter and Ship Before I am School In Karya Bhakti Disability school Purworejo Central Java and I studied at the Yogyakarta Fredofios Autism Secondary School. Now I am not work at the Rumah Kasih Kasih Dormitory in Yogyakarta due to cases of violence. In July 2021, when the 3rd wave of COVID-19 entered Indonesia again. Previously, I worked in a hostel for the disabled without pay.
I am from Indonesia🇮🇩
I live At Merauke City Province South Papua
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I now on my home with my mother and Younger lbrothers
Services Productions
Simple Planes Aircraft Industries Corporation
(SPAIC) Part From Productions drones ,helicopter and , Planes fine civil or military
Simple Planes Ship building yard Limited (SPSBYL) Services From For Productions Ship civil and military Main Navy we Productions surface ship now this
Simple Planes Technology Army Industries Corporation (SPTAIC) unite part Productions Army Equipment Tank APC and FSV and ETC
Now i am player gamer modern warships From the sea and blood copters
Finally can joint with modern wartanks tank battles