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New gear door

10.2k GeneralCorpInc  9 days ago
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    4,648 JABH

    @GeneralCorpInc It means the same as "I am that one." In Spanish, it implies that a person identifies with someone.

    +1 yesterday
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    @JABH .^. Oke... but what "Soy ese" means :3

    2 days ago
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    4,648 JABH

    @JABH I remembered that we speak Spanish here. That's me.

    +1 2 days ago
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    4,648 JABH

    Soy ese

    +1 2 days ago
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    469 Quackmint

    YOOOO u on 10k last time i saw u were on 9000 lmaooooo

    +1 3 days ago
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    Congrats on 10k!

    +1 7 days ago
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    4,792 Rb2h


    +1 8 days ago
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    4,234 MA2211c


    +1 8 days ago
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    Bro is on 9999 points

    +1 8 days ago
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    +1 9 days ago
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    27.3k 126


    +1 9 days ago