@TigerAerospace ummmm.... (jeez we didnt think the whole government thing out, did we?) Ok, we can fend off the paratroopers, and maybe attack some small enemy bases, but no large war yet, we need RWI's consent.
So, if you are talking about the cirrus v tail plane, It seems unlikely to be Krackabloa. after all, we signed a treaty with them, also, why would they bring a civilian plane to assassinate you?
@RepublicofWrightIsles Yeeah...
@DeeganishCountryball Assasination Attempt
@RepublicofWrightIsles I know
@F16xl I controll the millitary and the government, and hold free and fair elections. Which I always win because I'm just built different
@F16xl Mr President is me💀
Glad Mr. President is ok
@RepublicofWrightIsles We had other Internal Affairs
@@F16xl you never saw this?
@Aeromax hor hor hor hor
No worries, I am deploying freddy fazbear at the enemies.
@ShinyGemsBro mhmm
Looks like the average person in SP Multiplayer trying to ram me
@TigerAerospace yeas sir
@RepublicofWrightIsles are we going to war sir
@TigerAerospace I have paratroopers
@THEOKPILOT I know it ain't krakabloa
@RepublicofWrightIsles sir it was snowstone
@TigerAerospace ummmm.... (jeez we didnt think the whole government thing out, did we?) Ok, we can fend off the paratroopers, and maybe attack some small enemy bases, but no large war yet, we need RWI's consent.
@TigerAerospace Ummm... i dont know if we even HAVE a chairman.
@THEOKPILOT paratroopers have been spotted over wright isles we need to inform the chairman of this
@TigerAerospace quite possibly. I have just sent a call to moblize forces in case of further attack. We are prepared for war.
@THEOKPILOT maybe it was snowstone
So, if you are talking about the cirrus v tail plane, It seems unlikely to be Krackabloa. after all, we signed a treaty with them, also, why would they bring a civilian plane to assassinate you?