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NHNFF-912 For VR (2.0)

414 Mxte  3.3 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Mxte's NHNFF-912 for VR (Nuclear Heavy Fighter)

!!! Fully VR Friendly and Mobile friendly with 280 parts !!! . This is a second upload because I had to Fix and Add some things that was recommended by @AndrewGarisson. HERE is the First Version

Please read all notes below before downloading.... . Don't be lazy because if you don't read them you wont understand how to fly this craft.

NHNFF-912 ( NHNFF represents Nuclear Heavy Neon Futuristic Fighter)
Before you read..., take a look at the Second Picture


  • Live Cockpit ( XML modded ) - Some of the cockpit was inspired by Guyfolk's SU-57 'Felon'. Yes.... Inspired, because I created my own to suit my craft's function. Credits to Guyfolk for inspiring me.. The text below is what the cockpit consists off

    Live weapon screen - displays weapons selected or armed and has a UFO plane shape thingy on it.. oh it also displays if the landing gear is up or down (Red being UP and green being DOWN)

    Live After-Burner Status screen - Located above the weapon screen and shows afterburner status.

    Radar - that is recognizable -_- ( located near the center of cockpit / on the left of the weapon screen).

    Stats Screen - Indicates the status of some gadgets in the craft. Here are some... Autopilot ON/OFF, Landing Gear UP/DOWN, Afterburner ACTIVE/DISABLED, Nuke ARMED/DISARMED... Yes, you heard me there is a nuke on this craft. Just click The BIG red button in the center of the dashboard that says 'Activate Nuke'

    Activate Missiles Switch - Clearly in the name ._.

    Landing Gear Switch - Again.... in the name ._.

    Target Screen - Displays distance and heading of selected target e.g. USS Beast. This info is also on the radar and HUD.

    Indicator Screen - consists on 3 beacon light that shows Afterburner 'on' or 'off' and canopy 'on' or 'off' and also missiles 'active' or 'in active'

    Throttle, Fuel, Speed, Altitude, Flaps and Brake screen - Located below the
    HUD on the left. Consists of 8 buttons ( '< >' For cycling targets, 'Catapult' to launch Catapult, 'Cycle Targeting Modes' to cycle from 'Air to Air' to 'Air to Ground', 'Canopy' to open and close canopy, 'Lights' to turn on lights, MAX throttle and ZERO throttle to 'you know what...'

    Autopilot button - I'm tired of typing I'll just turn on autopilot to

  • live HUD (XML modded ) - The HUD was also inspired by Guyfolk's HUD from the SU-57 'Felon'. I just edited it to suit my aircraft :/

  • Glow in the Dark - The Neon blue paint looks nice :P. If you don't like the color you can change it to your preference although it wouldn't look futuristic which is it's purpose... :/ .

  • Satisfying Air-Brake System - Arranged in a way to create a near perfect octagon ( look so good when activated at night when it glows :P). this is an Incredibly powerful brake

  • Wing Leveling mode or Autopilot - Levels the craft but doesn't deactivate the roll and pitch controls. It is in the name, 'Wing Leveling' mode.

  • 2 Seat Cockpit - For a fwend :3

  • Incredible Acceleration - Ability to take off from the USS tiny without any VTOL thrusters :O (Well, there isn't any VTOL thrusters on the craft)

  • Impressive Braking NEW - The Air brake system combined with the landing gear brakes can allow you to stop on a distance as long as 1/6 of the Length of the USS Beast ( Yep, I Tested it :D)

  • Parachute Drogue System NEW - Incase of a Emergency when landing e.g. By missing 3/4 the USS Beast while landing (Idk how u will do that XD), you can activate to add to the braking power bringing it to maximum brake power (This allows you to stop a distance of 10 m :o ). Well, isn't that insane
    (Yep, I tested it again)

  • Decals NEW - Well, there is decals such as 912

  • Trim NEW - I added trim to the craft since I didn't the first time i uploaded this....

<> Good, now you know what is what now, if not, you <>


  • 1x Nuke
  • 4x Infernos
  • 2x Guardians
  • 2x Interceptors
  • Along with 'a lot' of counter-measures.
  • and a Minigun


  • Roll to roll
  • Pitch to pitch
  • Yaw to yaw
  • Activate 1 - Canopy
  • Activate 2 - Landing Hook
  • Activate 3 - Lights
  • Activate 4 - Arm Missiles
  • Activate 5 - Arm Nuke ( Might wanna stay back O_o )
  • Activate 6 - Engage Wing Leveling mode
  • Activate 7 - Drogue Parachutes
  • Activate 8 OFF - Disables some roll and pitch control surfaces to lower roll and pitch sensitivity

Do consider Upvoting Because I need Points ( T_T ) and I Spent over 2 days creating it....

Thank You for Visiting :D


  • This craft is curated

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 14.872
  • Wing Loading 15.1lbs/ft2 (73.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 255.5ft2 (23.7m2)
  • Drag Points 11748


  • Number of Parts 291
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,605