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21.4k pura  5.2 years ago

the cobra jet is a supersonic fighter/interceptor. it dosent have many fuel so your going to have to economize it. i never actulay reatched its max speed. vtol to chage the angle of the wings and ag1 for drag shoots. its hard to buter the bread whit this thing!

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 19.4ft (5.9m)
  • Length 21.7ft (6.6m)
  • Height 8.9ft (2.7m)
  • Empty Weight 6,242lbs (2,831kg)
  • Loaded Weight 6,740lbs (3,057kg)


  • Wing Loading 70.4lbs/ft2 (343.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 95.7ft2 (8.9m2)
  • Drag Points 1576


  • Number of Parts 26
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 231

Required Mods

  • Jet Engine by MOPCKOE_DNISHE
    Version 1.0 (4/22/2019 3:37:47 PM)
    View Mod Page