[Structure] Wire Fence I
73.9k Monarchii
11 months ago
a further test for using labels as replacements for minor details such as fences or railings etc, it's fun while it lasted, then it just became rather... mundane.
Structure #NAH
Wire Fence I "cacapoopoo"
(fun, but i don't liek.)
free to use
with or without credit as long as you don't claim that you made it yourself... actually nah, you can take this one, it's a cacapoopo kind of feeling and I don't like it.. 2/10 at best.
i don't like, therefore i don't think I want it on my list.
there are approximately 3 pipe bombs within that space
@Graingy plon heeheehoohoo smol
@AshdenpawTG22 :O lil plen
@AshdenpawTG22 you have an eye for details! and because yes.
Why is there a tiny little BF-109 in there
@Graingy Thanks Soo
(for a "joke" song, it sends the message very well, one of the lyrics that is impactful(to me atleast) is "We do our best to kill and maim, but all the kills all count the same!")
Have Mur Houls
(I think I read the Wikipedia article before)
@Graingy hmh.
(it's a great Anti-war song, despite the lyrics being somewhat gore-ey and terrifying, basically explains what the Vietnam Vets seen there.. [ Link ])
For our petty enjoyment
(Heard of, yes, not heard)
@ThatKindaWeeb thanks 👍
@Monarchii ofc! Take your time!
@ThatKindaWeeb eyyy, attention to detail.. I didnt include that though sadly... also, I think I'm delaying all decently large ships for now, I'm a bit fried irl
@Graingy do we unalive and maim?
(have you ever heard of that song btw?)
Or rather suspiciously explosive plants
@Graingy mmm, napalm stick to kids!
We are going to bombard a family reunion with incendiary warheads
@hpgbproductions gotta save parts when you can, magnets look like a squashed bottle so XD
The bottles are so good
@Graingy Zelda much?(never played it btw)
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes 3.21 pipe bombs, to be exactly.
All it needs is a campfire a couple of bokoblins
@LunarEclipseSP pretty part-saving to the extreme, but you can do literally everything if you're creative enough with it, bedsprings.. fences... railings... bedspring radars, such and such y'know! i just don't like this one that much and idk why but i guess thas that
That label use is so creative
@RepublicOfCursedPlanes it's canon now, there's definitely bomb-