Supership Challenge
This challenge is based on the obscure video game series Naval Ops, an old PS2 game released in 2003. This game was a warship simulator, and all good simulators need a boss fight.
And this game has superships which are the boss fights, some are really hard (Arahabaki and Habakkuk), some are annoying (Archaeopteryx and Dreadnought), and some are easy (Whirbelwind and Vogel sumeria).
Now your job is to make some like these, but there are limitations
Limitation 1:
It can't have more that twelve main gun turrets.
Limitation 2:
If it is a carrier, no more than 15in Guns for the main
Limitation 3:
Of you have 1 meter guns, it has to be a single barrel, exposed turret, and you can't have more the 6
Limitation 4:
Finally, no over the top missiles systems (yet tsunami guns are allowed). AND NO CONTINENT SINKING GUNS! ONLY THE DRUNA SKASS CAN HAVE THAT!
(Hint: Brilodein and Archaeopteryx can fly)
/10 Size
/10 Speed
/10 Destructive power
/10 Armor
/10 Salvo weight
/10 Weirdness
/10 Super weapons (No Nukes, but One-hit One-Sunk torpedoes, 1000mm Guns, or extreme reload)
/10 Relevance
/10 Function
/10 Deletion Power
/100 overall
@Panzerwaifu69 look at my ships, and stick ur costal artillery on something similar
Or make a huge, floating, tank
Or something similar to the Archaeopteryx
Wish I could join, but ships aren't my specialty XDD
@WizNick no nukes
But you can use a 1000mm Gun
Or have a 15in gun with a 2 second reload (thanks auto reload system V)
@KPLBall I'm gonna make a boat so fast it's unhittable because it can just turn. Hehehehhe.... I just realized I can't do shit cuz I don't have heavy weaponry....... Nuke maybe?
what the flipity flop
@WizNick don't have to Ahem Brilodein, ahem
But the smallest ones (Archaeopteryx, Whirbelwind, and Dreadnought) are twice the length of the Iowa and twice the width of the Midway
Recap: the two smallest ones are the Vogel Sumeria and Brilodein, both are similar size to your average Baltimore Class cruiser
@KPLBall wait..... My ships don't have to be big right.....
I'm on mobile so I can't make big ships. (I can't access XML files to mess with inertia to make the rotators strong ok huge creations)
@BMilan I was just asking if you wanted to join ._.
@KPLBall Sorry, I'm not interested. Please don't tag me on posts where I didn't request to be tagged
Hey @BMilan would you like to join?