Crawler Chassis (unfinished)
397 juanthesecond
4 months ago
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another project for the weekend🗣?🗣? ill get it running atleast by tommorow,or wednesday
another project for the weekend🗣?🗣? ill get it running atleast by tommorow,or wednesday
@MA2211c Thanks!
Nice job.
@juanthesecond okay.
@Viva2015 And even if I used the standard cockpit, I only used it to make life easier. I want this to be less than 200 parts so everybody's device can run this.
@Viva2015 "Crawler Chassis". Can't you read? It is a crawler I'm working on. not an airplane.
@juanthesecond what is this airplane ☠️☠️☠️☠️
@Viva2015 why?