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(simple) Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard

24.2k intruder72  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on intruder72's Etendard-19

lol baguette

hhenlo guys
ihope your fine :)
today i mek franc plen (macron forced me to buil it)

this build is very inaccurate but idc, i don't aim at accuracy, it used all moving stabilizers unlike the real plane, which when i tried it the plane flies significantly better, i just keep what works lol
last day of school will be on may 27th hooray
i can make more dumb and trash planes on summer break (suffering finally ended)
plane flies like a wet noodle

gudbye, see you in another 42 years


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Etendard-19
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 29.1ft (8.9m)
  • Length 42.6ft (13.0m)
  • Height 14.6ft (4.5m)
  • Empty Weight 13,153lbs (5,966kg)
  • Loaded Weight 15,491lbs (7,026kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.305
  • Wing Loading 140.7lbs/ft2 (686.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 110.1ft2 (10.2m2)
  • Drag Points 7307


  • Number of Parts 170
  • Control Surfaces 3
  • Performance Cost 603