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Rafale M (Asuna)

7,110 RyooSensei  10 days ago
Auto Credit Based on WHNineTripleOne's [RD Cockpits] Rafale M

"Fufu~ I knew you needed me!" | Disclaimer: ORIGINAL NOT BY ME, ITS A MODIFICATION

Yes, it has afterburners

Ichinose Asuna

Ichinose Asuna is one of the students studying in Millennium Science School. She is a member of the Cleaning&Clearing (C&C).

An agent of the Millennium's secret organization, C&C. Her codename is "zero-one" and a veteran of overcoming many challenges with her brutal instinct and intuition and super luck.

On missions, she's very openly trusting of people and breaks any sense of doubt or uncertainty. Her actions are hard to understand but never fails to produce results in the end.

Asuna is the most energetic and upbeat member of C&C. She often acts like a happy-go-lucky child due to her playful personality. Like Izuna, she is often seen smiling.

She has beige hair tied in blue ribbon reaching to her legs and wears a French maid headdress and an earpiece on her left ear. She has sharp blue eyes.
~Blue Archive Wiki


Asuna operates the Rafale M, the perfect fighter for her nature of being very energetic and agile. Damn those maids are gorgeous.
-Self written story

Rafale's irl information

The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine, canard delta wing, multirole fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation. Equipped with a wide range of weapons, the Rafale is intended to perform air supremacy, interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, ground support, in-depth strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear deterrence missions. It is referred to as an "omnirole" 4.5th generation aircraft by Dassault.

In the late 1970s, the French Air Force and French Navy sought to replace and consolidate their existing fleets of aircraft. In order to reduce development costs and boost prospective sales, France entered into an arrangement with the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain to produce an agile multi-purpose "Future European Fighter Aircraft" (which would become the Eurofighter Typhoon). Subsequent disagreements over workshare and differing requirements led France to pursue its own development programme. Dassault built a technology demonstrator that first flew in July 1986 as part of an eight-year flight-test programme, paving the way for approval of the project.

The Rafale is distinct from other European fighters of its era in that it is almost entirely built by one country, involving most of France's major defence contractors, such as Dassault, Thales and Safran. Many of the aircraft's avionics and features, such as direct voice input, the RBE2 AA active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and the optronique secteur frontal infra-red search and track (IRST) sensor, were domestically developed and produced for the Rafale programme. Originally scheduled to enter service in 1996, the Rafale suffered significant delays due to post-Cold War budget cuts and changes in priorities. There are three main variants: Rafale C single-seat land-based version, Rafale B twin-seat land-based version, and Rafale M single-seat carrier-based version.

Introduced in 2001, the Rafale is being produced for both the French Air Force and for carrier-based operations in the French Navy. It has been marketed for export to several countries, and was selected for purchase by the Egyptian Air Force, the Indian Air Force, the Indian Navy, the Qatar Air Force, the Hellenic Air Force, the Croatian Air Force, the Indonesian Air Force and the United Arab Emirates Air Force. The Rafale is considered one of the most advanced and capable warplanes in the world, and among the most successful internationally. It has been used in combat over Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria.

Oh yea, one more thing..




General Characteristics

  • Predecessor [RD Cockpits] Rafale M
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 34.9ft (10.6m)
  • Length 46.9ft (14.3m)
  • Height 16.2ft (4.9m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 15,406lbs (6,988kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.323
  • Wing Loading 15.8lbs/ft2 (76.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 978.1ft2 (90.9m2)
  • Drag Points 5401


  • Number of Parts 223
  • Control Surfaces 3
  • Performance Cost 992
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  • Profile image
    7,110 RyooSensei

    @0101001010001091877665 the original creator

    Pinned 10 days ago
  • Profile image
    7,110 RyooSensei


    Pinned 10 days ago
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    @V ah alright

    5 days ago
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    36.8k V

    @MyBelovedHoshimachi that censorship pinged me bc you used @v, use hashtags or something

    5 days ago
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    833 AOZUKi

    jokes aside the plane is dope

    +1 8 days ago
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    833 AOZUKi


    +1 8 days ago
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    360 Shinjurai

    Where the beauty mark?


    8 days ago
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    @V nah I'll use that because saying a private part is inappropriate here in the site.

    8 days ago
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    36.8k V

    @MyBelovedHoshimachi don't use the @ symbol to censor. I exist and get pinged when you do it

    9 days ago
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    7,110 RyooSensei

    @MyBelovedHoshimachi Don't worry, i'll tag you in the next build
    Yup, i don't want to get KO'd by the Mods :v

    9 days ago
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    To those why the cl3#v#g3 was censored: because showing the upper part of the br3#$t$ on the thumbnail is inappropriate causing a misleading thumbnail leading to be deleted by mods.

    +1 9 days ago
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    Bro you didn't tag me 😭😭😭😭

    +1 9 days ago
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    Usually I wouldn't bash anime builds, that'd be friendly fire. But this shit so subpar bro💔

    +1 9 days ago
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    10.1k TTL

    GYAT I might start doing wafiu for my planes-

    jk but can y’all chill

    9 days ago
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    300 Rickokun3

    I like the Logo

    10 days ago
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    Good work for censoring that [REDACTED] 👍

    +1 10 days ago
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    Good man, you have gained respect

    +1 10 days ago
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    A glorious jet for a gorgeous lady

    +2 10 days ago
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    5,812 MomoDesigns

    @RyooSensei It's basically editing the main rotor and putting the tail rotor in "head hold"
    Specifically you remove the first 4 1 from the main rotor in the edition in those you put them at 0 In the first 2 No in those 2 others yes

    Or Just Use A Heli Of Mine And Copy The Rotors

    +1 10 days ago
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    7,110 RyooSensei

    @MomoDesigns not yet, im still learning some of the basics

    10 days ago
  • Profile image
    5,812 MomoDesigns

    @RyooSensei Do you know how to fix helicopters yet?

    +1 10 days ago
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    7,110 RyooSensei

    @MonsNotTheMonster Nuh uh

    +1 10 days ago
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    what do you mean "nuh uh"

    +1 10 days ago
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    7,110 RyooSensei

    @ShinyGemsBro ah yes, totally a normal thing for a "Puppy"

    10 days ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    She has one hyperactive braincell but that's more than enough

    +1 10 days ago
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