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A poorly stacked box of System of a Down records. What if they break?
Credits to Kerbango for the text labels :picardia:
pepperoni and green peppers mushroom olive chives
pepperoni angry peppers mushroom olive chives
@Bluesyn link hết hạn rồi cha
@Bluesyn ko bt nữa
chắc đc
bro có discord hay là cái gì ko
@Bluesyn lmao 2k12
@Bluesyn ko bt nữa
bro học lớp mấy
6 hay 7
t lớp 8
@Bluesyn ờ
@Bluesyn cảm ơn bro nhá
@GrandPrix violent KORN
SOAD violent corn
This literally looks like something I'd see pull up to the restore I swear to god
obamanation when