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HRJMS Jaeger

5,475 NavalGunnery  4 months ago
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Auto Credit Based on BMilan's Pre-Dreadnought Challenge [CLOSED]

Pre-Dreadnought Challenge Entry!

HRJMS Jaeger

HRJMS Jaeger was a predreadnought type of battleship that was named after the Yaeger islands.


  • Beam: 69.0ft
  • Length (oa): 336.8ft
  • Speed: 18.25 knots


  • 1x Centerline-Mounted Torpedo Tube
  • 4x 13.7" guns in twin mounts
  • 2x 8" guns in single open mounts
  • 4x 6" guns in casemate mounts
  • 10x 3" guns in pedestal mounts

Design History

The ship went through multiple designing phases that first sought to aim for more firepower, the first design had none of the list of armaments but rather had eight of the mentioned 13" guns, but due to the unavailability of the 13" guns in numbers, the lesser armed design was chosen so that more ships may be produced with the available 13" guns.

Though later on, the design A was to be built after further improvements in the industry, after the order of more of these 13" guns, though would prove to be late as guns of much larger capavilities was at development at that time, with only one of the ships of said design being produced.

Screenies :3

Using 232287168147825's Fjords mod


Tried a bit of experimentation with controls on this one;

  • VTOL: Propulsion
  • Trim: Steering
  • Camera (Turret): Universal Traverse & Universal Gun Elevation (excluding 13" guns)
  • Pitch: 13" gun elevation (sensitive but precise)


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Pre-Dreadnought Challenge [CLOSED]
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 69.0ft (21.0m)
  • Length 336.8ft (102.6m)
  • Height 125.7ft (38.3m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 77,973lbs (35,368kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.073
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.006
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 108643


  • Number of Parts 790
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,905
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    54.3k BMilan

    Official evaluation

    - First Impression (4/5):

    On first look the ship neatly captures the style and vibe of a predread. The weapons and ship controls are easy to understand and use, and the performance is great as well

    - Design/Accuracy (13/15):

    The design of the vessel is pretty authentic, it fits the look of the prdreads well. One problem I noticed however is the use of 350mm main cannons, for which I could find no example in history, as most predreads only had max 305mm cannons
    However, the ship having 4 different calibers perfectly captures the madness of predread designs, which I really appreciate. The underwater torpedo tube is also worth mentioning, once again, being a common feature on real life predreads.
    Another great detail was the tumblehome hull and I also liked the inclusion of the bow crest, both are great.
    The extensive use of green a bit uncommon, but I'm willing to accept it as the builder's style and it's not too out of place.

    - Details (11/15):

    The ship has mostly minimalistic details but features all the necessary components to make it authentic. The inclusion of a bridge interior was a nice touch.
    The biggest focus was definitely on the weaponry. The 203mm cannons amidships definitely take the cake, they've got great detail work on them and even a recoil mechanism.
    Other details such as random pipes, capstans etc, the rangefinders and searchlights that rotate with the cannons were all nice too.
    The ship also features rigging and some railings.

    - Features (15/20):

    There are 4 calibers of usable guns, all being synced and deactivating when the user aims outside of their arc. The camera aim used for the weapons is great and very easy to use.
    There is also a torpedo that can be fired which is also nice. The bridge interior is also appreciated even if the equipment cant be used.
    It's also a nice little feature that the navigation and searchlights can all be activated and deactivated independently.
    The ship uses jet engines for propulsion and a gyro for steering with only havingt actual propellers and a rudder for decoration, a fairly standard solution, tho could have been better with functioning propellers and rudder.

    - Build Quality (8/10):

    The builder used a number of creative part saving solutions, including the use of magnets for capstans, pistons for pipes, engines for skylight and these are just a few examples, all very creative. The use of labels for the windows is also appreciated.
    The railings being covered in canvas is a nice part saving solution. The builder also excellently uses fuselage slicing in many places to save on parts. One thing I think the builder could have considered is to use fuselage slicing to make mirrored rigging with a single part.
    Another problem I noticed is the not very good looking bow bulge, it's a bit out of place and the builder could have made it blend in better with the rest of the hull.

    - Performance (14/20):

    The ship performs well on the vanilla ocean, the speed and turning rate are close to realistic and mostly fun to use (minus the fact the the ship takes some time to speed up or slow down). It's slightly unrealistic as the gyro can turn the ship when stopped.
    The cannons' traverse speed also nails a nice middle ground between realistic and fun to use, it could have been only slightly slower but overall pretty good and they are easy to use
    Unfortunately the ship doesnt handle well on the Ocean mod

    - Description and Information (15/15):

    The description is excellent, a great combination of screenshots and text, with a nice fictional design history, specifications and also a number of nice screenshots, while being not too long or too short.

    Additional Points (-0, +1):

    +1 fro being below 1000 parts despite the amount of details packed into it

    Total: 81

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    5,475 NavalGunnery

    @Seeras thanks!

    4 months ago
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    Mod Seeras

    Aye :)

    4 months ago
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    33.0k CaptainNoble

    Jaeger spotted!1!1!!!!1!!

    4 months ago
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    5,475 NavalGunnery

    @Seeras can I get a successor change to BMilan's Pre Dready challenge plz, thanku :D

    4 months ago