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[OTW] Nakajima Ki-5 Kai

56.4k TheUltimatePlaneLover  3 hours ago
Auto Credit Based on TheUltimatePlaneLover's [OTW] Nakajima Ki-5

Another Ki-5?

But with a low wing, and slightly different armaments. Behold a Ki-5 Kai!

The Ki-5 Kai I, to be exact. The Ki-5 Kai II is similar, but the differences are crucial albeit small at first.

The Ki-5 Kai derives from the Ki-5, of course. It is unsurprisingly superior to its predecessor, boasting higher speed, better agility, and stronger armament, now having some 75mm cannons mounted in the plane, meaning it no longer relies on the gunpods. However, it still has the suspended arms in question, which can weigh it down in a turn-fight.

Nonetheless, it can still turn almost anything- even the Ki-5- into sashimi.

The Ki-5 Kai was originally intended for the Otesk War, but after the Ki-5's "poor" performance, the Ki-5 Kai was sorta forgotten and heavily overshadowed by the "superior" Ki-5 Kai II. The Ki-5 is still a good plane, though, so don't underestimate its talents.

Still a pretty easy-to-land plane.

That's all, you know the drill; have fun and happy hunting!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor [OTW] Nakajima Ki-5
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 28.3ft (8.6m)
  • Length 26.9ft (8.2m)
  • Height 10.9ft (3.3m)
  • Empty Weight 3,235lbs (1,467kg)
  • Loaded Weight 4,987lbs (2,262kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.38
  • Wing Loading 25.8lbs/ft2 (126.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 193.3ft2 (18.0m2)
  • Drag Points 1817


  • Number of Parts 75
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 435
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    @MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Figured someone would.
    Not just because I did the exact same thing when I built the OG, but because SOMEONE said that my first beloved Ki-5 looked "a little ugly..."
    @KPLBall was a witness, any ideas...?

    an hour ago
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    19.3k KPLBall


    1 hours ago
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    Looks nice!
    Gonna test it after I finish [REDACTED]

    3 hours ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I literally did this when the first one came out

    3 hours ago
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    @IDK0 Nope, gunpods, rockets, or bombs.

    3 hours ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover lovely! Why are there hard points on the wings tho? Do the Japanese have unknown missile tech??

    3 hours ago
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