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Avia B-534 IV.

3,480 Shebke  2 months ago
Auto Credit Based on SchadeAircaftCompany's Inter-War Fighter Challenge [Open]

One of the most succesfull airplanes made in pre-war Czechoslovakia. 566 airplanes were made in 5 versions. This is replica of version IV.

B-534 I.
B-534 II.
B-534 III.
B-534 IV.
Bk-534 (cannon version)

There were also some experimental prototypes made by Germans during ocupation of Czechoslovakia, such as version made for aircraft carrier and version with "bubble" canopy.

Plane was equipped with 4 7.92mm machineguns (Bk-534 was instead equipped with 2 7.92mm machineguns and one 20mm cannon) and could carry 4 25kg or 6 10kg bombs. Production started in 1933 and ended in 1939 after anexation of Czechoslovakia.
B-534s were used by some other countries:
Slovakia (German satelite state during ww2)

During ww2 was B-534 used mainly as trainer aircraft, but during slovak uprising it was used as fighter-bomber and recon aircraft. In 2th of September 1944 Slovak pilot František Cyprich made the last areal kill by biplane, when he shot down German Junkers Ju-52.

Controlls for my replica:
A7 - open canopy
A8 - start engine (engine is running when spawned, so you can spawn it as AI plane)
Trim - trim

Mods I used for screenshots:
Stork Island
Variterra Archipelago
Mikeska Airport

Wiki page


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Inter-War Fighter Challenge [Open]
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 29.5ft (9.0m)
  • Length 26.4ft (8.0m)
  • Height 11.3ft (3.4m)
  • Empty Weight 2,814lbs (1,276kg)
  • Loaded Weight 4,775lbs (2,166kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.175
  • Wing Loading 17.5lbs/ft2 (85.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 273.1ft2 (25.4m2)
  • Drag Points 1666


  • Number of Parts 374
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 1,402
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    9/10 Looks/Proportions
    8/10 Details
    8/10 Flight Characteristics
    10/10 Historical Accuracy
    5/5 Description/Lore
    5/5 Something interesting to me

    Flight is a little wonky, the yaw axis swings a bit in high maneuvers, but really detailed, especially the ejecting cases, and not many Czech designs out there either which is unique.

    Pinned 2 months ago
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    Turned out sick

    2 months ago
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    @Shebke díky kámo. Miluju tenhle stroj už od svých čtyř let když jsem ho poprvý viděl u bratra na poličce jako model. Mám ho jako vystřihovánku kterou jsem slepil jako malej a dodneška jí mám na poličce jako vzpomínku. Nádherná nostalgie. Opravdu díky 👍♥️🇨🇿

    +1 2 months ago
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    3,480 Shebke

    @NormalCv580enjoyer Tohle by tě mohlo zajímat ;-)

    +1 2 months ago