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[TGT] Lantern Balloon, IMAAR Modele C.3

65.6k Monarchii  2 days ago
Auto Credit Based on Monarchii's [PEA] HMA R101

weeeeekeeeeeenddd chii posting~!! I don't have much to say about it, it target, it balloon lmao

I'm thinking of reviving my older series the "Target Airship"(TGT_Airship) back but motivation is severely tanking lately, but we'll see how it goes later

anyway, storytime of the funni kind for world building or something, enjoy lmao

|[ About the IMAAR Modele C.3 ]|

the Industrie Meccaniche e Aeronautiche Amer-Rondo(IMAAR) Modele C.3(and to an extent, the C.4 to C.6 too) is the definitive small-size mass-produced Lantern Balloon of it's time, seeing productions numbering in nearing millions.

it's simple rugged design is a testament of how ingenious it's designer is

|[ About Lantern Balloons ]|

Lantern Balloons, also called "Night Suns" by some, was developed assumedly as early as the 1600s but not perfected until 17XX by the famous Amer-Rondo Aeronautics.

most Modern Lantern Balloons is composed mainly of four parts, balloon, lift engine, fuel tank, and light housing; most Modern Lantern Balloons nowadays also has an automatic turnoff switch, or at the least a ground switch.

the early life of Lantern Balloons was fraught with complications and controversy, and while it's invention into being led humanity into conquering the night, it's acceptance was rough in the beginning especially by the children of the Night.

it's radiant light was unnatural to some, especially by believers of the Night who believed that it enroached on the comforting dark they've believed in, robbing them(who at the time didn't knew the theory of light pollution) of their dotted night stars, religious wars broke out in response and many soul departed until eventually peace was made, something something uhh whatever I can't communicate it well but essentially suddenly someone found out light pollution is a thing and it healed the rift uhh bah

|[ About the Light ]|

uh, there's this somewhat revolutionary amber-brass colored thick liquid that basically burns VERY bright but it smelled bad or something and uh yeah that why balloon?

|[ About Amer-Rondo(IMAAR) ]|

basically it's an aeronautical company hailing from the Principality of Tanchovia, built by the inventor "Amerigo" and "Rondodenavu"

|[ About Principality of Tanchovia ]|

a nation that was built by Prince Verau, the 3rd Prince of Makarrellia, Son of Varyashu, during the turmoil of the throne in the middle of the Unification Era.

in short it is a rebellion that liberated the outer edges of the Makarrellia from poverty and suffering by Prince Verau who was appointed to said regions in exile of him, in just a short one-and-a-half decade, he practically built a nation equal, if not stronger than the ailing Makarrellia itself.

|[ about the balloon itself ]|

it is one of the C.3 unit bought by the Solmund Farms, this particular model is the first unit shipped abroad to Kingdom of Walkuria.

anyway I'll probably build something of a world something myself someday, but this is the idea that led into this build, eh.. hilarious is it?

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor [PEA] HMA R101
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 40.4ft (12.3m)
  • Length 40.4ft (12.3m)
  • Height 33.0ft (10.1m)
  • Empty Weight 65,382lbs (29,656kg)
  • Loaded Weight 72,056lbs (32,684kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.529
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 26
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 92
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    we need a needle flying at mach3 to hit it

    9 hours ago
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    I couldn’t think of a joke to put here, please laugh regardless🙏😭

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    35.4k Graingy

    Ooh fiction balloon

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    Perfect target practice for an F-22A Raptor :skull_crossbone:

    +2 yesterday
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    16.1k BYardley


    2 days ago
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    27.9k 126


    +1 2 days ago
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    65.6k Monarchii

    @126 yeah, Italian-ish anyway, this particular one is a unit used by a german(counterpart) company

    +1 2 days ago
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    42.9k ShinyGemsBro

    Did someone say Fox Two?

    +2 2 days ago
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    27.9k 126

    is this... is this hot air balloon supposed to be italian? chii?

    +1 2 days ago
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    I need to borrow Zerø's PEA F-22 real quick
    Don't worry I have zerø malicious intent :)

    +5 2 days ago
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    Agressively locks an aim9x

    +6 2 days ago
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    77.7k Apollo018362

    Cool ballon lol

    +1 2 days ago
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    9,476 UkrTehnoAir


    +2 2 days ago