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Frigate Turkish Navy TCG TFFG-X

4,990 ReynaldoIndustries  5 days ago

TCG TFFG-X is a Turkish-made Frigate from the Dutch-made Sigma 10504 design and the United States-made Uss FFG-X. This ship was developed based on the NATO standard ship design, this ship was built by Sedec Ship Building INC in Turkey as the best frigate in its class. This ship uses the concept of original Turkish weapons such as 2x4 Korkut cannon missile tubes and 1x Oto Melara 76 mm and 2x Ram anti-aircraft weapons (like the Aegis Frigate) this ship will be used by the Turkish Navy as an Escort Frigate.

The ship can be used by the Turkish Navy as a warship like the Turkish Frigate Rasa destroyer because this ship is equipped with Aegis like the Jiangkai II and Atago class, therefore this ship can search for land targets on the coast, sea surface, underwater, and air because the ship's wide radar is equipped with the latest electronic warfare.

Radar and sensors including operating systems

This ship uses an operating system including radar Sonar and Naval Battle Management System from Alselsan with Modifications such as increasing radar and sonar Each maximum range of 330 km² including an improved electronic warfare system to maintain the situation of the country including early warning capabilities so that the ship is more alert for combat operations. including being able to track 10 to 20 targets at once.


for weapons Turkey made a 76 mm super rapid gun cannon. This cannon is made in Turkey similar to the Oto Melara 76 mm super rapid gun cannon made in Italy. this festive can shoot enemy planes, drones, helicopters, and ships and can even attack land targets on the coast. Not to be missed with the Ultimate anti-ship weapon is the new variant Missile Namely Atmaca II Block-IV this missile can attack surface targets as far as 330 km, This missile is made based on the first Atmaca but is made with increased Distance and speed with mach 1.28 (1280 km per hour) Is the best Turkish super sonic missile in its class this missile can shoot up to enemy ship targets in a country on the border because it uses long-range automatic radar guidance. For secondary defense Turkey has installed 2 Smash 30 mm automatic cannons this cannon is used to attack targets in the form of small ships especially USB and KCR enemy ships even large warships including cruisers and Battleships even enemy mother ships. The Inj frigate can be equipped with SUT II 533 mm torpedoes of the active radar homing type with electronic radar guidance to fight enemy ships and even submarines with a range of 335 km including a speed of 220 km per hour to reach the target.

For air defence Turkish frigates are equipped with Ram 3 which can attack air targets as far as 60 km. This weapon has been made and upgraded to a maximum firing range to hit distant targets, especially air targets flying at medium altitudes. There are 2 of each.

Facility and Crew

The hangar and helipad facilities are equipped with 2x Sea Hawk helicopters, each ship carries 2 helicopters, one in one helideck, each helicopter has 2 units as a reserve, including anti-ship weapons and others. maximum capacity of 110 crew members.

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 157.5ft (48.0m)
  • Length 233.5ft (71.2m)
  • Height 68.3ft (20.8m)
  • Empty Weight 311,565lbs (141,324kg)
  • Loaded Weight 3,087,166lbs (1,400,316kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.013
  • Wing Loading 36,420.0lbs/ft2 (177,818.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 84.8ft2 (7.9m2)
  • Drag Points 104773


  • Number of Parts 701
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 2,630