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[PEA] Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19S "Farmer"

56.3k TheUltimatePlaneLover  3 months ago

Part Efficient Aircrafts!

Yeah, let's ignore the Fresco. Straight to the MiG-19 Farmer!

The REAL fighter to save us from the F-86Hs, although his armor is virtually non-existent.

So uh... not much here. Just a MiG-19 that performs really well. It can turn equal to the Sabrehogs, and if you know what you're doing you can beat them.

Also for those of you who are very picky and meticulous with replicas, yes I know the elevators's y-position (height placement) is off and the probe stick thingy isn't present. Why? The first one, I got carried away while building, resulting in the stablitors being too low, but I didn't want to interfere with the MiG-19's performance so I kept them there. The second one, I just didn't feel like adding it lol.

Also you may have noticed by now that a number of my Soviet PEAs have pictures based at Snowstone, with the exceptions of the Tu-4, MiG-13, and Su-27. So, a little lore, Snowstone isn't the Simpleplanes equivalent of Russia, BUT it was at one point territory of Russia before being liberated between a revolt of the people and the help of the symbol of Snowstone herself, LunarEclipse. However, that wasn't until like the 1990s towards the fall of the Soviet Union, so hence why Soviet aircraft commonly find home at frozen island.

PEA Lore:

This MiG-19 is a true combat veteran, seeing service during several conflicts in the Cold War. He scored a few wins against aircraft like the F-100 and F-104, but he's never shot down an F-4 Phantom. He had a close call with Phantom Fg.1 once, albeit not in MiG-19's favor. Yes, Phantom Fg.1 is that old. He's pretty much unstoppable, but we're not talking about him. MiG-19 saw plenty of service in Russia, but about halfway into his official career during the 70s he would be moved to Snowstone as a defense unit. Of course, the MiG-21 had already arrived to replace it by then, hence why he would serve there.

Uniquely though, tying into the Lore segment I mentioned earlier, this MiG-19 actually served in the Liberation of Snowstone, although he was so old by then that after the conflict MiG-Donalds was quickly retired (that's not his real name, but as a callback to the "Old MacDonald had a farm" song he's often nicknamed MiG-Donalds since the MiG-19 is called the Famer). Attempts have been made to restore him to airworthiness, though.

Yes, the PEA MiG-19 here and the Old MiG-Donalds in the lore are different people.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 34.1ft (10.4m)
  • Length 47.9ft (14.6m)
  • Height 14.9ft (4.6m)
  • Empty Weight 9,358lbs (4,244kg)
  • Loaded Weight 21,561lbs (9,780kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.752
  • Wing Loading 54.4lbs/ft2 (265.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 396.3ft2 (36.8m2)
  • Drag Points 4277


  • Number of Parts 92
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 464