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ZOV-1 Number 238.

1,432 SPsidearm  2 months ago
Auto Credit Based on ShinyGemsBro's ACV-XM1-RG Jackhammer ''Flashbang''

SP Vehicles Premium.
Costs 70 SP Bucks.


ZOV-1 Number 238 was a modified ZOV-1SM used by FireTeam 8. The modifications include a 40mm Cannon and two pairs of Flight arms ATGMs. It also includes an MG.

Trim to rotate launchers and AG1 to 'Shikanonokokoshtantan'

@RealxChannel for the 40mm
@ShinyGemsBro for the ATGMs

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor ACV-XM1-RG Jackhammer ''Flashbang''
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 11.1ft (3.4m)
  • Length 26.7ft (8.1m)
  • Height 11.4ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 8,801lbs (3,992kg)
  • Loaded Weight 12,961lbs (5,879kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 9477


  • Number of Parts 256
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,052