#[1k celeb]Luxury Boat
2,910 Tretrax
3.3 years ago
1 K Celebration
- TheGliderGuy 3.3 years ago
- DISHWASHER2005 1.6 years ago
- 210100 3.3 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On Android
- Wingspan 18.0ft (5.5m)
- Length 119.6ft (36.5m)
- Height 51.3ft (15.6m)
- Empty Weight 79,703lbs (36,152kg)
- Loaded Weight 356,470lbs (161,692kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.014
- Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 39918
- Number of Parts 373
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 1,202
@MANYU19 I'll try
I agree, that's a nice boat. :)
The anti-aliasing on the long cone underneath initially made me think it was a "Lily Impeller" lol
(Which I only know about that, due to this video by Integza I'd watched recently.)
@ShocK69 nasa skills yan😁
Naks sanaol magaleng haha
Wow bro i like boat so much it maks me wanne to build a boat
i consider you as a great builder hope you get gold