cool bomb! no need permission to use it is free! and plssss don't forget to upvote it really helps me allot. god bless see you next time.
cool bomb! no need permission to use it is free! and plssss don't forget to upvote it really helps me allot. god bless see you next time.
@XtarsAgency thanks man your a life saver. And can you teach me how to credit
@Masterogway123 well, to credit you just need to re-upload the plane that you downloaded from somewhere on the website. They just automatically place a credit to the predescessor of the plane you're re-uploading, and make sure to do some edits to the plane you're about to re-upload or the moderators will remove your post.
@Masterogway123 click the Edit tag button above the description, then pick the necessary tags that you wish