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Ww2 torpedo bomber

10.0k oldmate52  8 months ago

A ww2 torpedo bomber that can release all the torpedoes at once with a take off speed of about 360 mph and a top speed of 500mph. Armed with a lot of torpedoes, a bomb and four wing guns.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 25.3ft (7.7m)
  • Length 19.0ft (5.8m)
  • Height 10.5ft (3.2m)
  • Empty Weight 10,747lbs (4,875kg)
  • Loaded Weight 11,075lbs (5,023kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.316
  • Wing Loading 105.5lbs/ft2 (515.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 104.9ft2 (9.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1777


  • Number of Parts 62
  • Control Surfaces 5
  • Performance Cost 594
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    34.3k Graingy

    @THEOKPILOT I am addicted to 1/2s.
    Thing is, feet aren't compatible with the in-game fuselage measurements, which are by half meters.

    15 days ago
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    @Graingy I always use feet.also i never make precise measurements. I just eyeball it.

    16 days ago
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    @Graingy Yeah. It was a big flying boat tho. It was used in the ASW role against NATO subs.

    16 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @THEOKPILOT hefty

    16 days ago
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    @Graingy ehhh.... about 1000 pounds.

    16 days ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    @THEOKPILOT how big would medium be?

    16 days ago
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    @Graingy yeah. The biggest torpedo bomber, the BE-6, only carreid 3 medium torpedos.

    16 days ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy thanks good idea I try and learn some service heights in meters.

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    Any half-decent book or source should list metric, or at least both.

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    The better answer: learn service ceilings in meters.
    This interceptor can do 15000 meters? Cool, my plane can only do 8000.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy that's how so many industry's do things like that. "Well it has always been done this way so it is the way we're done it too. It just annoying because you could say my plane flyers best at 20,000 mentes and would try and do the maths it my head to get to feet so I have so thing to compare that hight to.

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    I change it anyways.
    The only reason I know of that feet are still used in aviation is because that's how it's always been. And that is not a good answer.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy I have be meaning to change the settings to metric but I like having hight in feet because that's how it is on a real plane and in other games I play.

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    That's why the info page (and setting the game to metric) is so important.
    "600 MPH" doesn't really give a good sense of speed if you're from a country that uses kilometers.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy yeah the parts are very small but you don't realise because then are all the same scale.

    +1 8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    Parts in SimplePlanes are tiny. The largest turbofan is only about 1.5 meters in diameter yet puts out an enormous amount of thrust.

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    No, no. Far smaller. the fuselage part comes out as a meter-diameter cylinder.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy True I thought that the blocks were 1m by 1m

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    The block part is only 50cm wide. Real planes are a lot bigger than that.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy so your saying to make the body of plane fatter when I what to put the landing gear to have space for them to fold up it to the body of the plane

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    The best way would be to make the engine nacelles bigger. Real engineering requires compromise. The pilot and engines have to go somewhere.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy that's for understanding, about you suggestes I will try and do those thing in the future when I make planes. But it the game it is so hard to find a spot to put landing gear because I do not like use wing gear.

    +1 8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    Well, if I had to make suggestions in terms of looks:
    1: Bigger. Use fuselage. Simple fuselage isn’t too difficult, and you can make a cockpit flush (not sitting precariously on top) by either lowering it with the adjustment tool or by putting it on a smooth angle fuselage and lowering that into the main body. Wings, of course, bigger.
    2: Fewer torpedoes. Even the meanest torpedo bombers only carried a couple of torpedos. This here is just unrealistic.
    3: Another realism one, something that I’ve only recently tried to make sure of: don’t have engines/cockpits right in font of/behind/on top of landing gear. That gear has to go somewhere, and while not a problem in-game, realistically thinking those wheels would be tucking into the same space shared by the pilot or engine block. Elementary science class told me that’s a bit of a no-no.

    The first two are def the most important, however.
    Good luck out there.

    8 months ago
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    34.3k Graingy

    Fair enough.

    8 months ago
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    10.0k oldmate52

    @Graingy sorry I am not use a translation I am use very bad at writing because I have dyslexia.

    8 months ago
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