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Derponaut Betty [Female Test Dummy in a Spacesuit]

4,364 Formula350  3.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Suubk27's Test Dummy

A few days back I thought to myself... _"Now that I've tested and determined the reliability of Derpship 1, it needs a crewmember to go with it, right??" :D So I decided to rectify that...

Meet JATO Betsy's sister: Derponaut Betty!

This originally was going ot be included with another upload of that rocket, but it wouldn't have offered anything new, nor would she have even been observable unless .... :thinking_emoji: ... I suppose I could've strapped her to the outside of the rocket, in true test-dummy fashion! Naw, the weight would've made it fly off-nominal and we can't have that.

Now you can enjoy Betty in all her glory.
She has mostly the same flexibility as her little sister Betsy, though I did try to further inhibit her knees and elbows from bending backwards *cringe* (with only partial success).

In addition to her Retro-Futuristic-inspired spacesuit, she also has a detachable EMU (Extravehicular Mobility Unit) just as the real NASA astronauts have. Complete with RCS thrusters, thermal management/power/oxygen ports, and over-shoulder lights.
Also, on Betty's right-forearm is an """Arm Computer"", although while specifically configured for Derpship 1's staging, can easily be programmed for whatever you'd like (I'll work on a more capable one sometime after v1.11 goes live).
It's top row of Beacons illuminate to indicate which Stage you're on (AG1, 2, 3, 4).
The bottom row , Red flashes when you're below 25% Fuel (which also supports the EMU's capacity) and Blue is to indicate if AG8 is disabled; a requirement to allow you to disconnect yourself from the EMU.
Additionally, there are 6 unused Beacons (colored gray) that you can assign to whatever you may desire! With 4 on the (unused) middle row, and 2 on the bottom row.

The EMU - in detail:

Some specifics about this. Unfortunately it is not as well setup as I would have preferred, due to our inability to customize the RCS Thrusters in the way we can with almost everything else. I would've liked to utilize VTOL, TRIM, and perhaps also Throttle in order to provide additional control authority, but had to make due with these limitations.
As a result, there's only Pitch, Roll, and Yaw. These are mirrored to the internal Gyro, as to not cause counteracting forces. (This is also the same as JATO Betsy, although Derpship 1's might be slightly different on account of the rotated cockpit used in that build).

In addition to the RCS, are three Parachutes JUST IN CASE the worst happens and a Derpnaut has an issue during an EVA, and gets put on a trajectory that will result in atmospheric re-entry. (The 3 external chutes on the top are just aesthetic placeholders and non-functional; the 3 functional units are much larger and inside the EMU, which those ones on top mark the location [X, Z] of these.)
The middle one is a small, high-speed drogue chute, meant to be use in the unlikely and unfortunate event of re-entering atmo. It will not provide enough drag by itself for landing, which is why after it has allowed you to slow down to sub-sonic speeds, will be jettisoned.
When traveling sub-sonic, there are two, large outer chutes. These are to be used for landing, preferably a water-landing, but should allow provide at least a high-percentage survivability scenario during a ground-landing situation. [NOTE: survivability is defined as a landing that is NON-fatal; however, you are still descending at roughly 22MPH so there is likely to be broken bones in the legs and feet, as the EMU alone weighs around 275lbs, which is not counting the additional weight from the spacesuit itself. If you have any spare RCS fuel, it is advised to spare it until landing to use Pitch Forward as to lower your velocity by maybe 2MPH.]

The EMU also provides:
-Life Support, which consists of a CO2 Scrubber/Rebreather system, and a Thermal Management system. Air circulation is provided through the Blue quick-release coupler, whereas the liquid circulation is done by the Red quick-release coupler.
-Power delivery is handled through the central plug, between said Blue and Red couplers.
-RCS fuel storage is forward, to keep CoM optimal.
-Over each should are also two high-power (but not in SP lol) high-efficiency LED work-lights.
-Solar Panels to help offset power requirements or recharge the batteries in low-demand situations.
-Electromagnetic suit retention.
-Emergency Release system, in the event the Derponaut needs to quickly distance themself from the EMU for whatever reason.


By Themselves...
AG1 through AG4 Toggles White, Light-Blue, Brown, and Orange "Arm Computer" beacon lights On and Off [default]
AG8 Toggles Gyro Off or On [default], Toggles Magnets Off or On [default], Toggles RCS Off or On [default], Toggles Blue "Arm Computer" beacon On or Off [default] (beacon "On" act as a warning that these systems are disabled)

In Combination...
AG7 OFF plus AG1 ON = Deploys Drogue Parachute; press either one again to jettison drogue chute
AG7 OFF plus AG2 ON = Deploys 2x Primary Parachutes; press either one again to jettison both chutes
AG8 OFF plus AG5 ON = Activates EMU Emergency Release system
(Side Note: Technically, the RCS should've been toggled via AG1+2+3+4+8 = On and AG7 = Off, but SP didn't want to obey that much FT code I guess, even though DebugExpression "my code" showed the code being functional... *womp womp*)


Pitch, Roll, Yaw Delivers their respective control authority via internal Gyro and/or EMU's RCS.

Final Notes...

-+- Each foot --the actual dummy's foot, not the suit's boots-- has a Catapult Connector part in the toes. I only used that as something easy that I could add minimal weight to and not worry about erroneously becoming attached to the boots. I HAVE NOT tested whether or not that functions on the USS Beast... but it might provide you with a bit of fun if it does! :P
-+- The suit is primarily made up of their respective dummy's parts, just re-sized to be bigger. As such, I re-used all the joints from the dummy, so that everything moved around in relation to one point. So each limb in turn is connected to that portion of the limb only. Suit bicep to dummy bicep, suit boot to dummy foot, etc etc, but ONLY through a single connection point. A bicep being made up of about 6 pieces, all connected together, with only one piece making the final connection to the dummy. This made modification much simpler, or disconnecting that suit piece way easier.
-+- The 'stomach' is the actual dummy's stomach, no suit piece! Not realistic, but kept it functional while maintaining the overall look.
-+- There are 3 pieces of small, thin Glass Fuselage used in an effort to try and act as "stops" to prevent over-rotation. One on the lower part of each shin which tries to keep the foot bending too far forward (doesn't really work), and one on the upper back/neck to try and keep the helmet from tipping too far back (kinda works). The ones on the legs are only invisible looking from the front, but the one on the back is completely invisible. All three can be located by hovering over them in the designer, but that might be harder to do on Mobile. (No drag calculations and zero weight mean they aren't otherwise doing anything beyond being extra collision points.)
-+- As mentioned, the suit was primarily made through scaling up parts. The bust can easily be removed and still provides ample chest cavity space where Betty's body is not clipping through. I opted to leave them solely to illustrate it's female and based on the "JATO Betsy" model (which is slightly shorter than the original masculine model by Suubk27). Point being, you can transform this into a "male" or "genderless" model quite easily by removing those 4 parts: 2x Fuselage Nose, and 2x Fuselage Inlet (inlets are barely barely visible; set paintbrush to Primary and re-color the torso parts to locate them easily).



And as always, feel free to use Derponaut Betty OR JATO Betsy in your builds, just make sure to credit Suubk27 and myself. (the female dummy of Betty is identical to Betsy, aside from the paint scheme; IOW this is just Betsy in a suit)

Additionally, feel free to utilize any parts or pieces of the suit should they somehow inspire you. You don't have to credit me, but @ me in a comment as I'd be curious to see/hear how whatever part gets used! ;)

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Test Dummy
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 1.8ft (0.6m)
  • Length 1.7ft (0.5m)
  • Height 6.3ft (1.9m)
  • Empty Weight 499lbs (226kg)
  • Loaded Weight 632lbs (286kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 21.321
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 540


  • Number of Parts 473
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,893
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    94.1k Vincent

    @Formula350 Got it.

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    4,364 Formula350

    *grumbles* Dangit SP!
    @Vincent can you please rectify the issue of the game failing to apply Auto-Credit to this build?
    (I'd uploaded this originally with an error so I had to remove that share, but SP seemingly purged the auto-credit from that save file for some reason, so this upload lacked it....)

    3.4 years ago