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Air-Mobile Deep Artillery Support System (AMDASS)

40.1k Typhoon03  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on Typhoon03's Air-Mobile Deep Artillery Support System (AMDASS)

Lightweight Long-Range Heavy Artillery

The Air-Mobile Deep Artillery Support System was produced by SMC Industries following the success of the VHFS-10A Voulge self-propelled guns in the service of the Saltwater Marine Corps. The open-top self-propelled gun uses a much lighter chassis than the fully-armoured and enclosed Voulge, allowing it to be deployed by medium airlift aircraft. With a crew of six and eighteen onboard rounds, the 203mm artillery piece has a maximum gun range of 350km and maximum speed of 40mph.
Forty-eight AMDASS systems currently serve with the Saltwater Marine Corps in Portugal, providing long-range deep fires on a considerably more mobile and cheaper platform than the Voulge. Some systems have been trialed in air-drops, and these vehicles are fitted with their own parachutes and a false hull-bottom to absorb the impact of landing.
Each vehicle can enter action within 90 seconds of coming to a halt and exit action 60 seconds after the last round is fired, with a trained crew able to fire up to four rounds per minute, or two rounds per minute in sustained fire.

AG1+TRIM+VTOL operates the main gun and outriggers
AG2 activates the headlights
AG3+TRIM+VTOL operates the pintle machine gun
AG4+THRUST deploys the landing chutes and false hull bottom


General Characteristics


  • Wing Loading 42,410.9lbs/ft2 (207,068.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1.3ft2 (0.1m2)
  • Drag Points 4856


  • Number of Parts 257
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 843

Required Mods

  • Tracks 2 by MOPCKOE_DNISHE
    Version 0.84 (11/1/2021 2:11:26 PM)
    View Mod Page