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[PEA] Petlyakov Pe-8 "Bombit"

56.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover  2 months ago

Part Efficient Aircrafts!

Everyone's favorite sauce of friendly fire, the Pe-8 and his FAB-5000!

Not much, just the usual PEA stuff. I'll give you this much though; The Pe-8 didn't have an official nickname, that is, aside from "Petlyakov," so I decided to give it the name "Bombit," which is literally just "bomb" in Russian. True, the Pe-8 isn't the bomb, but considering how infamous its 11,000 pound bomb is, I think it's quite fitting lol

PEA Lore:

The Pe-8's best friend is the IL-2. Together, they make life miserable for any enemy ground forces, if they even live long enough to see the two planes. However, they're also quite the troublemakers. For instance(s), the Pe-8 and IL-2 decided to attempt to participate in the Battle of D-Day, but were nearly shot down by both the Axis and the Allies because they didn't have invasion stripes, but were flying low so no one noticed they weren't German. One of the P-51s actually said "I thought that was Renzan or something." Another time they stole the breakfast of several Soviet officers, almost starting World War 2.5. Another time, they raided a Tupolev warehouse (because not even other Soviet planes like Tupolev :v) and prevented the canon event that is the Tu-4, but because they didn't want a universal collapse they just fabricated a Tu-4- and by "fabricated," I mean they built it out literal fabric (lol). This is the reason why the PEAverse has a Tu-4, but why it's actually decent in comparison to the B-29 is still a mystery. Regardless, the two are, in spite of everything, still alive and treating Tupolev like an absolute joke to this day. Their current favorite Tu-X to mess with would be the Tu-160.

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 123.7ft (37.7m)
  • Length 75.5ft (23.0m)
  • Height 26.6ft (8.1m)
  • Empty Weight 30,974lbs (14,049kg)
  • Loaded Weight 57,322lbs (26,000kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 12.037
  • Wing Loading 27.8lbs/ft2 (135.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,059.4ft2 (191.3m2)
  • Drag Points 13918


  • Number of Parts 96
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 683
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover lol

    2 months ago
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    The profile picture kinda gave it away lol

    2 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I am working on da MIGHTY T-90

    2 months ago
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    Yes, 'tis name is Bombit

    2 months ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover behold THE MIGHTY BOMBIT

    +1 2 months ago
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    @Leporad2 Yes,


    2 months ago
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    Ah yes "BOMBIT"

    +1 2 months ago
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    @KPLBall possibly

    2 months ago
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    19.1k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover can you make a PEA P-43?

    2 months ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover np!

    2 months ago
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    Probably. The Pe-8 and IL-2 honestly didn't like the Soviet Union, hence why he (tried to) join the battle of D-Day).
    Also thanks :D

    2 months ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover also congrats on 40k!

    2 months ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover will the Pe-8 show up if I theoretically attack any major Soviet port city?

    2 months ago
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    @IDK0 However if you wanna down literally any other Soviet bomber, go ahead

    2 months ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover oh. I better call off the landings then…

    2 months ago
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    @IDK0 The Pe-8 is the only Soviet bomber I don't want destroyed. If you do that... I'll probably do nothing, but the rest of the Soviet Air Force will, namely the MASSIVE amounts of IL-2s.

    2 months ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover I will remove this beauty from the skies. It’s too big for my Fireball’s liking

    2 months ago
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    11.9k Karroc9522

    That picture after the pea lore........I know what it is buuuuut, it gave me funny ideas for a second ;)

    +1 2 months ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics More than likely one of the Lavochkins, I like their chunky design, my predicament is that I don't know the difference between them ;-;

    2 months ago
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    +1 2 months ago
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    Probably the LaGG-3, I-16, or La-5/7/9.

    2 months ago
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    @TemporaryReplacement lol we do a little trollin

    2 months ago
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    @TheMouse That's the idea, the Pe-8 is such a menace that the sky goes dark when it's preparing to attack

    2 months ago
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    A Soviet WW-2 fighter
    Any one of them

    2 months ago
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    I can almost hear the inner CoD lobby coming out from players after being teamkilled by this…

    +2 2 months ago
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