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[GRE] AP-24D Marksman LoRHAA

56.2k TheUltimatePlaneLover  one month ago

The AP-24D Marksman!

It might not look like much, but further research shows that this is quite the unique aircraft.

Where it all began

Originally, during the early days of Red V Green, I had the idea to make an aircraft that could take out targets from miles away with ease. However, being that the peak of Red V Green takes place during the 1940/50s, I wanted to ensure that it could do so with no missiles. Thus, the AP-24 Marksman was born. The original one, linked in this blue text, was an AP-24A variant. And although the idea and concept were pretty cool, the execution was sub-par. I did make an AP-24B and AP-24C, the latter of which heavily improved on the Marksman's capabilities, but what was really the last of the Marksmen...

Until recently. Between the overuse of nukes and elimination of nukes, I decided to whip out this old thing to show people the power- and fun- of precision hunting. Of course, though, I'm not the kind of guy to go back and edit an old plane. So I built the AP-24D from the ground up, using the original design as a reference. After roughly five to six hours of work (albeit not straight), I was literally able to finish the new AP-24D overnight.

So, what does he do?

As I said, the AP-24's purpose is to attack targets from long distances, but with high-precision, and utilizing a cannon as opposed to missiles (because missiles used against aircraft are often kinda boring imo). Henceforth the second part of his name: Long Range Heavy Artillery Aircraft.

How to function it, you ask? Simple (but not easy):

-Activation Group 1 turns on the offensive machine guns. In retrospect they don't really need the Activation Group toggle, but I had planned to make a slow-firing machine gun to reinforce the main cannon, but that didn't happen because the main cannon is chad.

-Activation Group 2 opens the outer pylons, dropping the fuel tanks. This doesn't effect your rocket launches, and to everyone's dismay albeit knowledge, no, you can't un-drop the fuel tanks.

-Activation Group 7 opens the canopy. Really just for aesthetic purposes.

You can fly with the canopy open.

-Activation Group 8 toggles the lights. Again, really no purpose aside from aesthetics. Note that the orange light doesn't turn off. The reason? Although virtually impossible to implement in SimplePlanes, that orange light is an indicator to show if the aircraft's communications are active; if the communications are functioning, the light will be on, but if the radio is down, so will the orange light be.

Fun Fact Time!

-As of the lore, the AP-24A (the original Marksman) was made in the 1940s, specifically 1942-1943 in terms of the design-to-flight process. However, this specific variant of the Marksman, the AP-24D, was made in 1951, hence why the tags say "Decade 1940s" and "Decade 1950s."

-You may notice a green panel being the pilot's area. This is a pad of bulletproof glass, to further ensure the pilot's safety in the case that bullets should go through there.

-This is my second ever intentional attempt at a VR plane, the first being the F-10A Tanto. Somebody wanna help curate this?

The cockpit in question.

-The AP-24D is a testament to how futuristic Red and Green are. This cannon, in spite of using completely conventional gunpowder, still gets results similar to a railgun.

Getting this shot required pinpoint reaction time.

-Despite the AP-24D being designed for long-range attacks on ground targets, it was more than capable of close air support and dogfighting. However, CAS and air-to-air combat combined accounted for roughly 85% of all AP-24s lost to enemy fire during the Red V Green War, with less than 15% being shot down while "lurking," as they call it.

An actual picture from the Red V Green War as an AP-24D dives down to attack unsuspecting Red tanks. Yes, RvG is so futuristic they even had color cameras back in the 1940/50s.

That's all! Happy hunting!

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 51.3ft (15.7m)
  • Length 48.2ft (14.7m)
  • Height 18.7ft (5.7m)
  • Empty Weight 15,974lbs (7,245kg)
  • Loaded Weight 24,211lbs (10,982kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 13.63
  • Wing Loading 44.5lbs/ft2 (217.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 544.2ft2 (50.6m2)
  • Drag Points 8989


  • Number of Parts 357
  • Control Surfaces 9
  • Performance Cost 1,514
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    19.1k KPLBall


    (pls pin)

    Pinned one month ago
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    1,662 JaxHere

    @JSTQ well, it is my first war. I’m working on something big, but It didn’t save sadly :(

    +1 one month ago
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    3,544 JSTQ

    @JaxHere Man, Developing oneself is also an important task, and fascism also needs to develop the military first. The Antares military research team had already discovered during their observation of the TB war that although your enthusiasm and subjective initiative were high in this war, there was enormous room for weapon development. Except for the Su-37, most other aircraft may not be as good as the TB. It is not recommended that you rely too much on allies' weapons, as this is something that only vassals can do.

    one month ago
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    @ShinyGemsBro You shoulda seen the old RvG planes where they were just straight-up the color of their team lol (or at least the P-2, most planes were metallic-silver)

    one month ago
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    41.2k ShinyGemsBro

    I keep confusing the green team for the 51st Combat Wing cause they're greentails too

    one month ago
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    @IDK0 Same here now that ya mention it

    one month ago
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    @CrestelAeronautics True, but my mindset was literally just "anything that's not a missile" lol
    idk why but there's something satisfying about unguided aerial weapons

    one month ago
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    @KPLBall Exactly

    one month ago
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    Wait, you could have also done this:
    A wire-guided missile, think of, an early TOW Missile, it is guided through an electrical wire by a joystick in the cockpit. The earliest form of this tequnice being used was in 1944, when Germany tested the X-4, an early wire-guided AAM. So it would be possible in that time period, but also might have been hard to make and use.

    one month ago
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    1,662 JaxHere

    @KPLBall bro I’m so bored

    one month ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    Kinda reminds me of the b/a-26

    one month ago
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    19.1k KPLBall

    @JaxHere nien

    one month ago
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    11.9k Karroc9522


    one month ago
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    1,662 JaxHere


    one month ago
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    19.1k KPLBall

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover anti material palaen?

    one month ago
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