Almost 100% Accurate Rate of Climb Indicator (Vario)
234k jamesPLANESii
4.8 years ago
It took about 10 hours of intense fiddling with this funky tree, and finally, I got it spot on! Oh my goodnss. Anyway, it was hard because, as you probably know, there's no dirivitaves in funky trees right now, so I had to use a hecc load of trigonometry and algebra to get it right. The equasion is this:
clamp((sin(PitchAngle) + sin(AngleOfAttack * cos((pi / 180) * RollAngle)) + sin(AngleOfSlip * sin((pi / 180) * RollAngle))) * (TAS / 5.08), -2.5, 2.5)
Currently it's optimised for GA aircraft so it reads a min/max of 2500 ft/min.
I swear we need a gauge or a funky tree tag for aircraft.
Edit: Yaaaay! Thanks ED!
This is THE MOST Important instrument in a Helicopter!!
Thank you for this!!
I'm gonna add this to my new heli, I'll tag you in the Description.
Yeah but I recommend changing the input to
clamp(rate(Altitude / 5.08), -2.5, 2.5)
@asteroidbook345Nice! @WNP78
@jamesPLANESii It shouldn't be that long, at least for beta.
How soon will the rate of change update be coming? Is it worth postponing the release of my 180 so I can convert some of the dials into rate of change and make them more accurate before uploading? Or is it a few months off Rn? @WNP78
@jamesPLANESii oops i forgot about mobile players
Oh you’re on windows. All the mods still work in 1.9 for you @owenliu
No it doesn’t work in 1.8 @owenliu
Not on mobile @klm747klm747
@owenliu The mods still work in 1.9. All of them.
does this work in version 1.8? I don't want to upgrade my game because I love the mods.
HooHooHoo, is that a teaser for a RateOfChange function?
Lol I did this bit with radians XD. And yeah lol. How soon? :D @WNP78
What are you doing with pi? Trig functions are in degrees. Also, this will be a lot easier soon.
The game only counts parts attached to the cockpit.
@jamesPLANESii my script:
clamp(sin(PitchAngle - -AngleOfAttack * cos(abs(RollAngle))) * GS / 167, -1, 1)
I think the difference is that my VSI would have homogeneous rotation while yours would be more sensitive on smaller readings. (aside from that I neglected slip angle)
Perhaps I should adopt your formula too.
What baffles me is that since the angles are in degrees (instead of rads) there shouldn't be a need for the pi factor....
Sure! It’s what it’s made for lol @JaeBeansS
What’s your script? @vcharng
Yup! Free for all! :D @Dastin
Absolutely love this. I've been working on an rate of climb indicator for a while but couldn't get it to this level of accuracy. Hope you don't mind me borrowing the equation.
What is funky tree?
weird, I have a metric version and I never used pi....
Yo that AOA indicator is super easy to build. However I don’t need one right now, I reckon you could build it ;) @CRJ900Pilot
Could you make an angle of attack gauge in this style? The light one is really neat but its too modern for a Vietnam style cockpit