2,872 0rion5212 Comments

  • Kalagan need 4 speed 4 months ago

    press AG1 to meet god.

  • even more retro rocket 2 4 months ago

    @Kerbango Oh hell yeah!

  • the IronHawk 5 months ago

    @Trainzo thanks Trainzo, appreciate it. there's gonna be one final alternate version with a visible engine and guns. ill upload that one once my cooldown finishes.

  • BloodyBaron otherworlder 6 months ago

    @RepublicofWrightIsles I'd love to toy around with and modify the "!A-1 Antigravitech Prototype", (if you couldn't tell by the profile picture I'm a big fan of flying saucers).

  • BloodyBaron otherworlder 6 months ago

    @NewPilot381 yeah man, I dont see why not.

  • BOGgLE Beamship ADVANCED CURVES 1.5 years ago

    @SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Haha nice

  • The white light that goreman fought 1.5 years ago

    @Majakalona Hey Majakalona, sorry for the delayed reply, this weird aircraft is supposed to be a reconstruction of the Gorman dogfight UFO incident. in summary, in 1948, over Fargo North Dakota, a WWII veteran fighter pilot by the name of George F. Gorman spotted a bright white/pale blue light while flying in his P51. the light began to violently hurl itself around his aircraft and soon began to engage in what appeared to be combative maneuvering, causing Gorman to begin evasive maneuvers. Gorman attempted to fire on the object a multitude of times, but got almost no clear shots, as the light was easily out performing his P51. The dogfight concluded when the light put itself firmly in front of Gorman and ceased all combative and evasive maneuvers, at which point Gorman unloaded a substantial amount of ammo into the ball of light, which had no effect save for a minor flaring of increased intensity from the light. the light proceeded to streak right over top of Gorman's left wing, leaving a scorch mark as if from an intense flame, and disappeared into the night at a terrific rate of speed. Gorman landed safely, but showed signs of PTSD and was very shaken up from the whole ordeal. His plane showed signs of strain from extremely high G maneuvers, and instruments found that whatever the aircraft had been scorched by, had left a radioactive trace well in excess of normal levels for high altitude flight.

  • retro silver ascender 1.5 years ago

    @MelvinPaxley Thanks!

  • Earth's Ascender with a Zeus Caster, fi?xed diving issues 1.8 years ago

    @Mustang51 thanks man, I appreciate the upvote.

  • could somebody help me fix this aircrafts roll issue? 2.5 years ago

    thanks Hiimakeplanes, those did the trick