@Geebers you rotate the orange piece sideways until it is in the center. Then you remove some of the curved blocks and tap on the normal block in the center until it is connected. Same for the rotator. Then put the curved blocks back and tap on them to merge them
@PlanesOfOld i actually built my saturn v on my ipad
So are you going to be posting a non mobile version?
What plane did you get it from?
@PlanesOfOld i am
@PlanesOfOld look at this: https://www.kamcord.com/v/kmFdDRLwEQh/
@PlanesOfOld where's the old version of the plane?
I have no idea how we're supposed to make the boosters for the Sputnik 8K71PS
The wire that connects to the tail keeps breaking off for me @PlanesOfOld
Pretty good
@PlanesOfOld look at this: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/y15DDd/jian-5
@Beastlike39 ok
@Beastlike39 it's a model, it doesn't fly
What time do u wake up @PlanesOfOld UK time
@PlanesOfOld do you want to do the Sputnik 8K71PS roclet cooperation?
Btw i'm almost finished w. Kvant-1, the next module attached to the station
@PlanesOfOld they deorbited it and the remnants landed in the southern pacific ocean near australia
@PlanesOfOld what does ASD stand for? Acute stress disorder or autism spectrum disorder?
Also for some reason i panic when someone rates my planes 1 star @PlanesOfOld
Ok thanks :)
Yes @Beastlike39
@Beastlike39 no
@PlanesOfOld am i a traitor?
@Beastlike39 i removed them
@Vikdesigns can't wait for him to get banned lol
Is it ok if i post a variation of this plane?
@Vikdesigns sorry
@PlanesOfOld here's a new punctuation mark you can use: ‽
@Vikdesigns ???
@PlanesOfOld LOL
@Vikdesigns absolutely true
@AndrewGarrison @PhillipTarpley @nathanmikeska @WeeBabySeamus
I'm going to tag the developers is that ok
Also why does this plane roll left all the time?
How do you know that the plane's back will land on the ground?
@Spikerya @NasaSpace101 Scriefers is on vacation in mexico so he is not going to be active
But why are your gear under the vertical stabilizer? Can't they be a little closer to the COM?
Why are your landing gear at the very rear of the plane?
Is this a real plane?
Better but make the wings a bit longer. And less delta-shaped. And put the rear landing gear closer to the front
@Geebers you rotate the orange piece sideways until it is in the center. Then you remove some of the curved blocks and tap on the normal block in the center until it is connected. Same for the rotator. Then put the curved blocks back and tap on them to merge them
Why are the wings so far back? And why are they delta-shaped?
@TheVoiceOfReason yes
@TheVoiceOfReason i have the same problem on my ipad air 2
Well i have 3,575 photos and 83 videos lol