Hey beautiful plane but I have an upgraded version to it with proper trim and some afterburner just get back to me and tell me if I have permission to post it, thank you!
@Makeahaybalerplz may I ask why?? It's quite a diff request...
@Atti126 thanks, that's so nice to hear 😂@Atti126
@BoeyingOfficial yeah😭😭😭
@BoeyingOfficial I've tried and can't seem to see it I was going 2000mph pls help
Hey beautiful plane but I have an upgraded version to it with proper trim and some afterburner just get back to me and tell me if I have permission to post it, thank you!
@Makeahaybalerplz may I ask why?? It's quite a diff request...
@Atti126 thanks, that's so nice to hear 😂@Atti126
@BoeyingOfficial yeah😭😭😭
@BoeyingOfficial I've tried and can't seem to see it I was going 2000mph pls help