My first plane didnt get this much attention, only 1 upvote and thats it :/
Nwm good looking plane but do not try to make replicas in the first place make your own plane and name them yourself
When you got some talent try do replicas.
@jeskoGoesVROOM This plane was a backup and I didnt meant to make it public I accidentally made this plane public, it would be nice to remove your upvote, thanks!
@Cerdd I am not english ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (If English were my main language, it would be a problem :D)
And wobbly wings are a bad thing for me and I want to make a stable plane that doesn't wobble or shake(which is a problem in SP if your plane is to fast)
@Cerdd wings where wobbly and that can cause problems when adding wing guns and pylons. I said some problems but only important problem was that,
Other were appearance of the plane.
Holy moly that's thin
And if you want I can help you with this plane
there are some problems that need to fix and I fixed those if you want I will upload.
When your plane is done I will delete my plane.
Mf version?
@WIZARD2017 mf version?
@JaeBeansS you want help?
Bruh thats ground to ground
My first plane didnt get this much attention, only 1 upvote and thats it :/
Nwm good looking plane but do not try to make replicas in the first place make your own plane and name them yourself
When you got some talent try do replicas.
@ZZking NP 👌
Change "disableaircraftcollisions=false" to "disableaircraftcollisions=true" this way you will not hit your self
@OneYeetPony You're so underrated, good job!
@PendekarAviation Its sep 1 :0
How did you do that :0
Its called indicator light but my question is, why is it green instead of orange?
@jeskoGoesVROOM This plane was a backup and I didnt meant to make it public I accidentally made this plane public, it would be nice to remove your upvote, thanks!
@fool147 No problem :)
.... It destroys it self, if you have overload change "disableaircraftcollisions:false" to "---:true" on gun :/
@rexzion I know
@rexzion he added cannon
@Homemade1 how?
@PendekarAviation oh k :D
@ZZking NP nwn
@PendekarAviation U ded?
@Pita omg :0 y-your name is pita...
I am pita dog :D
You have to put VTOL nozzles to the front, not jet engines.
@PendekarAviation done and posted!
@HB1995 no problem <:
@asteroidbook345 not cool :/ I discover this game 5 month ego....
Can I edit water hose?
If you made a plane that add this on it, I would like it :Δ
@Brendorkus no I it does not work I tried everything before I write this forum
@Beefy wat? I'm new to the game if you talking about me :/
What do to u mean by "still learning fuselage"?
You already know how to use it :Δ
Great job my friend!
(btw wings are looks like a bird wing, and I like it)
@WingManAdrian123 oh, okey then
@Cerdd I am not english ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (If English were my main language, it would be a problem :D)
And wobbly wings are a bad thing for me and I want to make a stable plane that doesn't wobble or shake(which is a problem in SP if your plane is to fast)
@Cerdd wings where wobbly and that can cause problems when adding wing guns and pylons. I said some problems but only important problem was that,
Other were appearance of the plane.
I made my own version :D but you can actually open the game
@WingManAdrian123 let me see
It goes pretty straight, there was a problem with the current version
Maybe off centered
Holy moly that's thin
And if you want I can help you with this plane
there are some problems that need to fix and I fixed those if you want I will upload.
When your plane is done I will delete my plane.
@WarshipDude thanks, you help alot.
@TheLatentImage how can I add forum then?
@IgaoBrHueHue No I have the files but can't add them
I play apk is that the problem?
They are still there I can't add them
@Esjope Imma try
Edit:Well.. You did something but that thing didn't help and even made it worse ówò It's start to sperate wing ends ó¬ò sorry.
But thank you for your efforts!
@Planeacceleration k
Well as a turkish person, this is great (kesin sende türksün :D)
Hey, if you want I can upgrade your plane (dont ask why this is my whole purpose)
Do you want?
Well here you go :D first upvote by me btw its looks great, logo too but what is meaning of logo?
Sadly I cant download it, there is a error :(