480 AMPPL50 Comments

  • A glider that i built in few minutes 1.5 years ago

    I think it's because high-effort detailed replicas are, sadly enough, dime a dozen. As a result, when someone created an ungodly abomination that doesn't even really look like it should fly, that tends to be more eye-catching.

  • What's Next? 1.4 years ago

    It's a pity, but all things have to come to an end. Plus, as an Unity game, SP is pretty moddable,and games like Doom show how long modding can keep a community alive.

  • A glider that i built in few minutes 1.5 years ago

    The worst part is that it's actually a reasonably good glider... and it also feels like a conceptual reversal: pretty much every high-effort plane around tries to hide the ugly, blocky wings behind XML editing and fuselage blocks. Meanwhile, this glider is composed exclusively by those same wings.Moreover, those airplanes are the result of hard work while this was created in a pretty short period of time. As such, it's effectively the opposite to your usual high-profile build.

  • Flounder (blimp) 1.2 years ago

    @F32 You see. It can actually hover without tilting, but doing so helps in ascending and can aid in maintaining position against wind.

  • SM-13 ''The Iron Lung'' 1.5 years ago

    SimplePlanes recreation of the Iron Lung:
    Free if you've purchased SP (current cost on Steam: 12.99 USD)
    Can be used in all sorts of custom maps

    Oceangate Titan:
    250,000 $ cost per trip
    Can't be reused.

  • The Nest 8 months ago

    @AurouraPlanes I don't remember well, but I think I kitbashed it in a couple days. I know it was actually the last aircraf tin the Eastern Seaboard series which, as other posts show, took way more effort due to being usually large.

  • Why Creating a Unique Aircraft Design is Difficult 11 months ago

    One trick one can find for making unique aircraft is to consider giving it niche or otherwise unconventional requirements. For instance, all the Riesenflugzeuge looked really funky and unique because one of the requirements was for the engines to be accessible for maintenance in-flight.

    Another trick is to research more obscure aircraft concepts. For instance, my Sidehill Gouger is inspired by the Isacson heavy fighter concept, which was likely based on a patent by Richard Voigt that also included an asymmetrical push-pull twin-engined arrangement.

    A third trick is to use a broader doctrine or environment that serves to justify an unusual aircraft. For instance, the Tu-128 only made sense for the Soviet Union because they needed a high-endurance interceptor to cover for gaps in the SAM defense.

  • German Corsair 1.5 years ago

    I must say this:
    you CAN make it fly well: just delete the control surfaces and let the game redraw them. The default outputs to adding them anew provides a pretty good plane.