@MrShenanigansSP In fact, they are some opaque texts, followed by glass. When the texts become transparent, they will have a display effect.😋
@IndesterSion https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/524146/Overload You need to use this editor button, you find that other buttons are different
@Kwoshent I will try to optimize the mobile terminal in the future.😉
@Mixx In the future, it will be released
@GabrielSatori Some plug-ins are used.
@LKI 有些bug
@VIPGOD27TH of course
@SkyJayTheFirst maybe😋
@Xiaoxingxuan 😆thx
@SpiritusRaptor thankyou :)
@iwannabeelected Oh, thank you, I probably know what you mean. This 109 is an overhead model and does not really exist. Since those subtitles are not suitable, I can remove them
@IndesterSion yes
@IndesterSion You can save my radar button as parts, because it contains special functions
@BogdanX Oh, I neglected wing loading in the process of making it, just for more stability, but it really made it fly stiff.
@BogdanX You are right, thanks for asking the question, I will correct it
@WorstPlaneIEverMake almost😝
@Elizabethovo You are right!,thank you
My authority doesn't allow me to vote.
@ChinesestudentYZY thankyou😋
@ollielebananiaCFSP Indeed it is
@Oakland 😋
@StugnaATGM thankyou
@Ian_Yashima 😋
@Zaineman It flies very well : )
@iwannabeelected ok : )
@iwannabeelected So the above part is marked with English
@iwannabeelected In fact, I can't find the actual text. If you can provide it, I will be very grateful
@KangBaksoSoeharto It may be a long time.
@KangBaksoSoeharto may be :)
@Lake I will launch the simple version.
@asteroidbook345 this https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/1519600/Normandy
@BogdanX If it can't start, you can use AG7 to start with one key :)
@OUGHTO thank you
@Aviator01 Can I reduce its speed? I will update the plane, so that its maximum speed is 700km/h : D
Interesting, I like this kind of thing
@Gwhany Drag the part group to the upper left corner and save it as a collection part.
@GainTale 你的机娘也diao😆
@SkyJayTheFirst of course Real size model https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/bfPKh3/Holographic-projection-probesmall
@SkyJayTheFirst of course you can ,its free
@SkyJayTheFirst Some procedures
@BeastHunter thankyou
@Panzerwaifu69 thankyou
@WorstPlaneIEverMake Enter CycleTargetingMode in the button
@WorstPlaneIEverMake They are just some options in the button panel
@WorstPlaneIEverMake Please be free, it is free
@OrderlyHippo thankyou
The radar has some small pointer dislocation problems, but it has been repaired at present, and the size is also suitable This is the link
@Lake no
@MrShenanigansSP In fact, they are some opaque texts, followed by glass. When the texts become transparent, they will have a display effect.😋
+6@IndesterSion https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/524146/Overload
+3You need to use this editor button, you find that other buttons are different
@Kwoshent I will try to optimize the mobile terminal in the future.😉
+3@Mixx In the future, it will be released
+2@GabrielSatori Some plug-ins are used.
+2@LKI 有些bug
+2@VIPGOD27TH of course
+2@SkyJayTheFirst maybe😋
+2@Xiaoxingxuan 😆thx
+2@SpiritusRaptor thankyou :)
+2@iwannabeelected Oh, thank you, I probably know what you mean. This 109 is an overhead model and does not really exist. Since those subtitles are not suitable, I can remove them
+2@IndesterSion yes
+2@IndesterSion You can save my radar button as parts, because it contains special functions
+2@BogdanX Oh, I neglected wing loading in the process of making it, just for more stability, but it really made it fly stiff.
+2@BogdanX You are right, thanks for asking the question, I will correct it
+2@WorstPlaneIEverMake almost😝
+2@Elizabethovo You are right!,thank you
+2My authority doesn't allow me to vote.
+1@ChinesestudentYZY thankyou😋
+1@ollielebananiaCFSP Indeed it is
+1@Oakland 😋
+1@StugnaATGM thankyou
+1@Ian_Yashima 😋
+1@Zaineman It flies very well : )
+1@iwannabeelected ok : )
+1@iwannabeelected So the above part is marked with English
+1@iwannabeelected In fact, I can't find the actual text. If you can provide it, I will be very grateful
+1@KangBaksoSoeharto It may be a long time.
+1@KangBaksoSoeharto may be :)
+1@Lake I will launch the simple version.
+1@asteroidbook345 this https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/1519600/Normandy
+1@BogdanX If it can't start, you can use AG7 to start with one key :)
+1@OUGHTO thank you
+1@Aviator01 Can I reduce its speed? I will update the plane, so that its maximum speed is 700km/h : D
+1Interesting, I like this kind of thing
+1@Gwhany Drag the part group to the upper left corner and save it as a collection part.
+1@GainTale 你的机娘也diao😆
+1@SkyJayTheFirst of course
+1Real size model
@SkyJayTheFirst of course you can ,its free
+1@SkyJayTheFirst Some procedures
+1@BeastHunter thankyou
+1@Panzerwaifu69 thankyou
+1@WorstPlaneIEverMake Enter CycleTargetingMode in the button
+1@WorstPlaneIEverMake They are just some options in the button panel
+1@WorstPlaneIEverMake Please be free, it is free
+1@OrderlyHippo thankyou
+1The radar has some small pointer dislocation problems, but it has been repaired at present, and the size is also suitable
This is the link
+1@Lake no