@XjayIndustrys Thanks! 151 sailors - and only 4 heads (toilets) and we have to share the all of the beds - "We all live in a Yellow Submarine, we want to paint her gray - we hate this color scheme- But happy is the enemy - she's a target they sure can see -
The Best Part of Simple Planes is.. you... can Post Total Bla Bla Bla...and get Points for it! So Post Psycho Babble! I'll read and score it....see what I'm getting at. It's rigged...just enjoy the free parking.
@SteadfastContracting Aww don't be so hard on yourself.. you've got all those Awesome Points... and that tells you that you're' so much better than me at creating awesome stuff! So Smile and Walk it off, because it's all about the points! Not about what you create!
Mine can't dive too...it's the thought that counts?
@XjayIndustrys Thanks! 151 sailors - and only 4 heads (toilets) and we have to share the all of the beds - "We all live in a Yellow Submarine, we want to paint her gray - we hate this color scheme- But happy is the enemy - she's a target they sure can see -
Wow you Scienced the Shi# out of this! Awesome!
@SalemASaberhagen google it / is the space shuttle a glider/ is it possible to have engines on a glider/ google it and report back
@Stingray Thanks!
@LightMindedJedi Thanks for your Upvote!
The Stripes alone are Awesome!
@Wingman522 Thanks!
May I borrow your Stars....I'm giving them a great home... promise!
@TheMlgKing Thanks! I just did that.. so when you google it... it Pops Up!
Love the Background
@CRJ900Pilot Post a picture...I'll keep trying. Totally Nerve Racking.
@CRJ900Pilot Wwhhhhhaaaaaattttttt!!! were you able to fly away with it?
Nice Grillz!
@dootdootbananabus It is a Russian Site so it could be just Bananas http://twistairclub.narod.ru/ka56/indexengl.htm
@Johawks1976 Hey Long Time no see!!! Wow will do I thought you left!!
@RailfanEthan Make it Happen!
@RailfanEthan thanks so much for the Support....when you have a sec, check this out.
German Armored Train / Panzertriebwagen
@Supercraft888 Thanks!
@General360 Thanks for the support.
Very Nice
@YuraCat Haters, going to Hate and not Appreciate! Merry Christmas!
@XxcreedexX Thanks Season Greetings!
@PerezAircrafts It's a Season for Giving!
Wow Again!!
@Liquidfox Space Above and Beyond....did it last a full season. Thanks! I going for a Build a Night until the 24th. I challenge everyone to this!
@SimpleFlow Thanks S-Flow! I'm trying to make something every night until the 24th
@cobalT You Got it:
@Viperfox That's an excellent question Viper, It's straight stock. I'll try and put some images together and make a Spark Post and drop you a link.
@Liquidfox On the Nose....you got it! Thanks
@Liquidfox Thanks, I had to upgrade the Air Brake
@Ninety9Lives Thanks!
@Swag777 If you have time to kill check it out - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2jedyr
It's a totally Cheesey 80's Action Movie
Xzibit would be stoked!
The Best Part of Simple Planes is.. you... can Post Total Bla Bla Bla...and get Points for it! So Post Psycho Babble! I'll read and score it....see what I'm getting at. It's rigged...just enjoy the free parking.
@BaconAircrafts Whoa Thanks Bacon!
@TrashFam Start out at 50% - get to about 100+ Gun it and.. pull back on the stick. It's lopsided, so it's a mother to fly. Good Luck
@SteadfastContracting Aww don't be so hard on yourself.. you've got all those Awesome Points... and that tells you that you're' so much better than me at creating awesome stuff! So Smile and Walk it off, because it's all about the points! Not about what you create!
This is totally not some Old Plane...at all.
Try ad camera next time. That could do the trick! Awesome Job!
@Pyrozooka0 I'll redo this one..
Wow, So Awesome!
Wow, Impressive