Thank you everyone for your patience and feedback, an update featuring fixes and improvements for this mod is still in the making, please stay in your seats :)
@TheMutePaper Apologies for that, I had trouble looking for a proper sound effect and was on a time crunch, so I used a stock sound (and slightly tweaked it) from my computer’s sound library.
@freedompilot98 You can put a thin piece of Structural panel and attach pylons all over it to put on more weapons. The singular Attach Point was deliberate because if I put more, it’ll be extremely difficult to put something where you want it to be.
@LiamW Definitely Flak, as there was no tracer fire close enough to have caused the damage. Also, a cloud of black smoke appeared near the impact, further convincing that it was a Flak shell.
@JakeTheDogg I'll look into this, but I'm not so sure it's possible as scaling parts isn't actually an in-game feature (aside from using XML and/or mods).
@WEAPONSMITH Thank you so much, and yes I will go and do that. The fix will be released along with update v1.2, as I plan to add some extra features to both weapons.
@Liquidfox Yes, I've been thinking about adding the extra attach points and AGs have been planned for update v1.2. Don't worry I shall continue to improve this mod, it'll take me some time though as some other of my responsibilities often get in the way...
@mushr0om The android release is just around the corner, but I've stumbled upon another issue. I'm having problems with building the android spmod, it has something to do with the android SDK. Which ones should I use, and how do I use them properly? Thank you again
@14ROVI Thank you, but no mod is simply better than another. I believe they're all different and better in their own unique ways. Yes, RayCast is the backbone for this mod as lasers require some precise aiming and calculation... Took me a while to understand how it works
Whoa came back overnight and what's happened here? Let me address some things:
- Thank you so much for those who enjoy this mod, I feel really flattered honestly :)
- I'd also like to thank the moderators for keeping the comments section in check
- Again to clear this up, Android version is in the works but it may take a while (more than a day, please be patient)
- For iOS users I'm so sorry and I know the feeling, but I don't see a way to install mods on your devices.
@AverroesIndustries Thank you, I'll let you and @helilover03 know when it's available. It'll take some time, as I want to improve and fix some things along the way.
Thank you everyone for your patience and feedback, an update featuring fixes and improvements for this mod is still in the making, please stay in your seats :)
+3@Tully2001 I can't seem to find/open them. Can you give me the process/steps please?
+1@AndrewGarrison Do countermeasures count as weapons? (Since they're located in the 'Weapons' tab)
Thank you everyone for the positive comments and feedback, I really appreciate it :)
@TheMutePaper Apologies for that, I had trouble looking for a proper sound effect and was on a time crunch, so I used a stock sound (and slightly tweaked it) from my computer’s sound library.
@freedompilot98 You can put a thin piece of Structural panel and attach pylons all over it to put on more weapons. The singular Attach Point was deliberate because if I put more, it’ll be extremely difficult to put something where you want it to be.
@Oski Thank you, glad you like it!
@Skywalket They're a bunch of my own designs, however I don't feel they're ready for sharing just yet...
@TheShrinkRay It is ready my friend, go ahead and download it!
@LiamW Good luck XD
@LiamW Definitely Flak, as there was no tracer fire close enough to have caused the damage. Also, a cloud of black smoke appeared near the impact, further convincing that it was a Flak shell.
@LiamW They'll snipe you like a jumpscare under 2 miles of distance. Trust me it's better to NOT get hit!
Really love the new damage system, it works amazingly and looks beautiful -- gives a lot more immersion!
@AndrewGarrison I was in the process of making a mod for countermeasures T_T
But nah, having it added in officially is better for everyone. Awesome to hear the torpedoes are back too!
@doge Oh, I see. Thanks for letting me know!
@doge Awesome, I love it! Nice to see the laser put into good use. How did you make the whole vehicle so lightweight?
@tsampoy Sadly no :( It was just for the somewhat cool screenshot...
@septicfoot @doge Thank you for the reports, I'll look further into these problems.
@Carsong1017 Thank you
@spuser0000 Sorry, I did not know that. Can you get it using the Direct Download button?
@goutboy411 As of now, the lasers cannot be binded to Armed Groups, unfortunately. But I'm working on a fix for it!
@Faded Cool, that's great to hear!
@septicfoot Are you on Android or PC? I don't seem to run into such problems during testing
@Carsong1017 Thanks for clearing that up for him/her :)
@stig27 Most likely XD
@JakeTheDogg I'll look into this, but I'm not so sure it's possible as scaling parts isn't actually an in-game feature (aside from using XML and/or mods).
@WEAPONSMITH Thank you so much, and yes I will go and do that. The fix will be released along with update v1.2, as I plan to add some extra features to both weapons.
@aircraftarsenal123 Thank you so much!
@Liquidfox Yes, I've been thinking about adding the extra attach points and AGs have been planned for update v1.2. Don't worry I shall continue to improve this mod, it'll take me some time though as some other of my responsibilities often get in the way...
@14ROVI I did what @mushr0om told me, I believe it was:
This line will return a bool of whether the player is firing or not.
@TnTDestroyer @Carsong1017 Thank you, I will add this. Terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
@DeathStalker627 XD thank you!
@14ROVI But that's how we should all behave in the forums :)
@mushr0om @WEAPONSMITH Thank you so much, it's now working very, very well indeed!
@helilover03 Cool, I'm looking forward to it
@helilover03 I feel relieved. I was having serious issues with the Android build system. Thank you so much for confirming that it works!
@AverroesIndustries @helilover03 Android version is up! I’ll let you guys test it out and see if there are any problems. Thank you so much in advance!
@WEAPONSMITH Thanks, I'll keep these in mind
@mushr0om @WEAPONSMITH Thank you, I'll have a look at this
@mushr0om The android release is just around the corner, but I've stumbled upon another issue. I'm having problems with building the android spmod, it has something to do with the android SDK. Which ones should I use, and how do I use them properly? Thank you again
@stig27 Not when Razgriz gets in their way >:)
Thank you all so much for 50 upvotes ! ! !
@stig27 Sorry to keep you waiting! Don't worry, it'll be ready in a few hours... hopefully
@14ROVI Thank you, but no mod is simply better than another. I believe they're all different and better in their own unique ways. Yes, RayCast is the backbone for this mod as lasers require some precise aiming and calculation... Took me a while to understand how it works
Oh my I just realized during testing, that the lasers can actually sink ships. It just takes them a while to do so.
@F4f879 Yes, it was
@Carsong1017 Absolutely XD
Whoa came back overnight and what's happened here? Let me address some things:
- Thank you so much for those who enjoy this mod, I feel really flattered honestly :)
- I'd also like to thank the moderators for keeping the comments section in check
- Again to clear this up, Android version is in the works but it may take a while (more than a day, please be patient)
- For iOS users I'm so sorry and I know the feeling, but I don't see a way to install mods on your devices.
@AverroesIndustries Thank you, I'll let you and @helilover03 know when it's available. It'll take some time, as I want to improve and fix some things along the way.
@mushr0om I never knew the Service Provider can be used so widely! I'll try this out, thanks again