150 AdvancedGaming

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joined 3.5 years ago

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I am not the best builder, but I have a tactic to make up for it… I will customize pre-existing planes to make the most powerful, dangerous, fast, and cool-looking planes 😉. My YouTube channel is Advanced _ Gaming, and I recently made my Advanced Aircraft Discord Server public. A.A. makes aircraft (i know, big surprise, right?), and I plan to make some SP guides and aircraft creation videos.

UPADTE: I recently purchased SimplePlanes on Steam and am now building MODDED aircraft. I plan to make stuff from Star Wars, and maybe even futuristic aircraft! Bye! 👋🏻

A.A. Official Discord: https://discord.gg/xdZrrGqVnq
AGYT Official Discord: https://discord.gg/TbSfkbprmX
Advanced_ Gaming _YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg1mSW1LlRJPMSphunm8aYw

Previously known as YTCaptainCommanderRex, AdvancedGamingYT