1,811 AirCrashInvestigationFLR Comments

  • [TEASER] MIRAGE MACH 3.5 ! 3.1 years ago


  • Lightspeed physics breaking aircraft 3.1 years ago

    @MrShenanigansSP This is not lag, aint even lagging when im recording this. The recorder is the problem.

  • Lightspeed physics breaking aircraft 3.1 years ago

    It is easy.
    The plane is below 2 kilo pounds (2,000 pounds) because of massScale | 0. The drag is mostly 0 on some parts.

  • Levi124's uh REMODELED Remade 3.1 years ago

    @Levi124 Well, i just wanna have some fun. I am bored so I am remaking planes, I dunno why I started them at first place.

  • Da bus 3.1 years ago


  • XJ-380-800 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer Trim, oh wait trim? Nah, just enjoy this.

  • XJ-380-800 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer And you must have a powerful phone, you have 2 Aircrafts loaded.

  • XJ-380-800 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer And you can enable DevConsole and while in game: Type //maincamera>camera.set_depth 10. It disables the HUD, To get it back: //maincamera>camera.set_depth 0.

  • XJ-380-800 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer How did you do it so fast?

  • XJ-380-800 3.1 years ago

    Flight performance is good.

  • Flying monstrosity 3.1 years ago

    Reminds me of something familiar..

  • Physics Problem 3.1 years ago

    @Korzalerke Okay, just tried it out. What is does is decrease the stall speed.

  • Physics Problem 3.1 years ago

    @Korzalerke Oh, liftScale. I never knew that existed! Thanks, gotta try it.

  • B767-300er progress 3.1 years ago


  • XJ-90 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer You are welcome, someone once said "Be friendly, be kind. Build trust and cooperate together.". It is years ago and i never met him again.

  • Teaser 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer Yes, and he doesn't even care about smooth landing.

  • Teaser 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer @BeastHunter Sorry about that, i got into a fight with my brother and he took my phone.

  • Teaser 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer Then i am confused as to why are the elevators pitching up,.

  • Teaser 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer First screenshot looks like a plane lifting off (Elevators up), then it looks like it is landing (Reverse Thrust, Full flaps, Spoilers).
    Im, Confused.

  • Teaser 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer Dont forget buoyancy

  • Andrew Lollipop . Does anyone want candy? 3.1 years ago

    @Kavazano I just licked lollipop and i dont feel too good.

  • Andrew Lollipop . Does anyone want candy? 3.1 years ago

    I, i dont feel too good.

  • Boeing 737-800 3.1 years ago

    What a nice plane! And how the hell did you do this impressive with

    69 Parts

    I meant 65...

  • TutorialPlane 2.0 3.1 years ago

    Can i remake? You will be credited

  • Barrow-Bering F-1000 "Aurora" 3.1 years ago

    @BarrowAircraft Points doesn't matter.

  • HOW TO MIKE A PLEN PLZ 3.1 years ago

    @X99STRIKER Um yes it is, well what made you upset? Oh the grammar. Yes thank you.

  • HOW TO MIKE A PLEN PLZ 3.1 years ago

    Im unli 5 yirs old plz hrlp me

  • Barrow P-20 3.1 years ago

    @BarrowAircraft @Kaiser7 Go ask the community, they can answer you.

  • Douglas DC-3 3.1 years ago

    I checked the physics, it is aight. Apart from gliding, it went uncontrollable. Trim does work but it does not show the elevators changing positions. It is good, and i can see you paid a lot of effort.

  • Douglas DC-3 3.1 years ago

    Nice DC-3. It is very good.

  • J-35 (Remastered!) 3.1 years ago

    @BarrowAircraft Man i dont even know why i got 13 Notifications on one single day. It suprised me, also im on depression.

  • New paint! 3.1 years ago

    @Chillybaconface I am sorry but deleting an entire post is like deleting history, like you made an world-changing invention and then deleting it. Thank you man. Well in this case i just focus on the good news. That is it.

  • New paint! 3.1 years ago

    @Chillybaconface Oh annoyed? Well in that case i may not do a comment then. So not commenting is good? No, i mean i really love jokes, oh wait why did i even post that comment? Im also sorry but you just could've made me delete it. Sorry about that my mind is full of Mess, like i commented a post then fear they will report it, then quickly deleting it. Sorry, but okay it was supposed to be a joke. Post a comment, maybe not.

  • uh 3.1 years ago

    • Engine placement.
    •Wing Type: Airfoil:
    This is used for aircrafts that is used for Aerial Stunts / Manouvre.

    This is used for Aircraft that is used for Slow and Safe Manouvre, Airliners, seaplanes, civilian, anything.

    Flat bottom:
    This is used for aircrafts that is draggy.

    •Wing Type: Swept wing:
    Normal Wing:
    A simple wing for propeller aircrafts, It doesn't move Backwards or Forwards, just straight.

    Forward Sweep:
    A wing that has Forward Angle compared to the root.

    Backward Sweep:
    A wing that angles backwards just like you show in this build.

    • Wing Type: Placement: Link is below.

    • Wing Type: Diheral: Link is below.

    • Wing Type: Number of Wings: Link Below.
    • Wing Type: Wing Support: Link Below
    • Wing Type: Tail and Foreheads: Link Below
    • Wing Type: Wing and Bodies: Link Below

    Link for Wing Type Click!

    • Number of Engines
    • Weapons
    •Number of Weapons
    • Tail Configuration:
    -• V-Tail: Horizontal Stabilizers is placed into the Fuselage.
    -• T-Tail: Horizontal Stabilizers is placed at the top of the Vertical Stabilizer.

    • Example Photos. (Or Based on Photos.)
    • Fuel Tank Placement

  • New paint! 3.1 years ago

    @Chillybaconface Is this a joke or something i am really serious. Please no joke i am going through a really bad situation right now.

    Man i really don't understand the joke, also i have a request coming in.

    The last joke i made is when a person said why there is too many DC-10s and a crowd suddenly appeared, And where is that posty-post?

    Also why did you even tag me for a joke, i only thought "Hmm, this person is going to finish that DC-3, let me try something tag word instead of T (I hate shortcuts)".

    Now i think i understand the joke: "Tag me for a joke.?" And i laughed a little but none at all.

    Hey man, i appreciate your joking skills man but it didn't make me laugh.

    I dunno man but it is suprising as i thought you tagged me for your DC-3, then revealing it as a joke.

    I like jokes man, but not now.

    Also why did you tag me instead of others saying T or Tag.?!?!?!? ??????!!!!!!

    Okay this is becoming long now.

    Now, everything here is messed up, first SP acted up and messed up. Second, i got a bug that ruined my progress in roblox. Third, thanks to my brother he deleted GTA3, Vice city and san andreas Definitove edition. Now it is going to take 2 full weeks to redownload it again (Wifi is crappy here). Fourth, A bug corrupted my minecraft world. Fifth, Why the hell you tagged me? That is why i am asking you, i am in a state of depression. But not LAZY!!

    Man, please stop this is extremely long now.

    Fifth, my brother grabs other peoples phones and start nonsense, 2 cases. In YouTube. Sixth, My older pc still had SP on it, but it became useless, that is why im using phone. Seventh, I witness another fight between Turbo Aviation 737, Thememer, and Vo in the Turboprop simulator community. Eighth, Why the hell you tagged me?! This is why i have depression now and i am become more serious.

    Man, this is extremely long now, stop posting everything about your life. This is far too off-topic. Are you even in your senses?

    Eighth, i got a High fever. Nineth, Internet became too slow. Tenth, why the hell did you tag me?

    Man what is your problem, way too off-topic man.

  • HummingBird 3.1 years ago

    Oh wait it is the landing gear.

  • HummingBird 3.1 years ago

    Nice but Cabin doors wont close.

  • HummingBird 3.1 years ago

    Man why are you very underrated? This is a BRONZE-LEVEL build!

  • comet 3.1 years ago

    Nice Spacecraft, im impressed.

  • Engine (help) 3.1 years ago

    Here's advice, never ever give up, it might take a while but it is worth it

  • McDonnell Douglas DC-10 American Airlines 3.2 years ago

    @elevatormann @dogegamer2995 AM191 here, seems like everyone doesn't want the remembrance of American Airlines Flight 191

  • Boeing 2707-200 Atlant Soyuz Airlines 3.2 years ago

    @VChart 0 IQ person ever. Anyway, it meant to sound with Activate6 and Air-Air on. It it a safety system that prevents a Mid-Air Collision, Basically when a plane Strikes another plane Mid-Air. It is very similar to TCAS.

    Like with any other system like GPWS or Ground Collision Warning System (Warns your plane when you are too close to the ground and pending disaster) or other, it is made for safety reasons. After a DouglasCommercial-9 Aeroperu Flight 498 collided with a piper, TCAS was being developed at that time.

  • A320 CFM James airline 3.2 years ago

    Good work Livery change!

  • Fine Air McDonnell Douglas DC-8 3.3 years ago

    @DanishArrasuliZen That one plane Pitched Very steeply. Due to the High Angle of attack, Engine 4 Flamed repeatedly (Surge). As a result of nearly 90* Degree Pitch Up, The Airflow is disrupted into the wings causing it to not provide lift (Stall). It eventually crashes into the ground.

    Chalk Airline Flight 101

    The other is caused due to a very s-h,8.t Maintainance. A Crack is formed in the Right wings. Years earlier, Maintainance saw the crack. They want it to stop, so they Drilled it. It was called, a "Stop Drill Hole". But it kept growing, the stop drill hole didn't work. Even as the mechanic drilled more holes, the crack kept growing. Eventually, After the third Stop Drill, An Attempt was made. They just Added it with Doubler on the Interior and Exterior Surface on the Wing. But the Doublers didn't work Either. The crack on the plane's skin continued to grow. And fuel leaks appear. It was repaired again and again. But they kept happening.
    Just 2 days before the crash. The Fuel Leak Happened Again. While doing Routine Maintenance on the Grumman Mallard, a Maintenance came across Fuel dripping from the Right Wing. They just added Chemical Sealant in the Fuel tank. The sealant takes a day to dry. Then the plane can be refueled and be returned to service. It just could've be a clue, The cracks on the wing tip is just the tip of the iceberg. But there's a much more problem with the wing's structure. The crack were in a very critical beam called "Z-Stringer". The maintainance also tried to repair the Z-Stringer. But they didnt went back in it and re-inspected the area. Instead they only added chemical Sealant to the area to make it Leak-Proof, and concealed the damage. The broken Z-Stringer weakened the entire Wing. Without it, when taking off and landing the Plane's Skin was absorbing the force. Overtime, the skin began to crack as well. And then...

  • Boeing 797 (Blended Wing Body) 3.3 years ago

    Data Unconfirmed

    That's one lazyness right there.

  • Grumman Mallard Seaplane 3.3 years ago

    Isn't this the same type of airplane that happened in flight 101?
    Might as well upvote too!

  • Airbus A320 | US Airways 3.3 years ago

    Just add a Shock/Suspension and some enough Fuselage, Add a Shock Attached to a fuselage. Then that fuselage connects the Landing Gear Wheels.

    It may Compensate.

    Add a Fuselage Stick below the Hinge.

    In the middle, Attach the Shock.

    Make an Assembly: Call it Gear Attachment
    Get a fuselage, Wheels.

    Attach that Fuselage in to the Shock (Connection: "Gear Attachment" Assembly to Shock/Suspension

    Then Use Fine-Tuner to Raise the Gear Attachment Assembly and Cover the Shock.


    You can make that Part assembly In the XML:

    Health | 5000
    PartCollisionResponse |None

    This Compensation can even withstand a crash: (IF you are XML Monkeys, if you are not one: it is the PartCollisionResponse.)

  • XJ-310-300 3.1 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer Very nice!