@Boelin @Xx24reminder
Pulaski | Hey, don't worry about it I'll fill it out later.
Tenpenny | Welcome home carl. Glad to be back?
Tenpenny | You haven't forgotten about us have you boy?
Carl Johnson | Hell no officer Tenpenny
Carl Johnson | I was wondering what took you so long.
Tenpenny | Get in the car.
Carl Johnson | Ease up, man, damn.
Tenpenny | Watch your head! CJ bumps
Carl Johnson | Ahh!
Tenpenny | Oh, my bad.
Pulaski | hehehehehe!
Pulaski | Get out of here you greaseball b**tard!
Pulaski | Stupid Mexican...
Pulaski | Oh, hey sorry.
CJ | My bag. Hey man, my bag!
Tenpenny: How you been, Carl? How's your wonderful family?
CJ: I'm here to bury my Moms. You know that.
Tenpenny: Yeah, I guess I do. So what else you got shakin' Carl?
CJ: Nothing. I live in Liberty City now. I'm clean. Legit.
Tenpenny: No, you ain't never been clean, Carl.
Pulaski: Well, what've we got here?
Tenpenny: This is a weapon, Officer Pulaski, that was used to gun down a police officer not ten minutes ago. Officer Pendelbury. A fine man, I might add. You work fast, n*gga.
CJ: You know I just got off the plane.
Pulaski: It's a good thing we found you and retrieved the murder weapon.
CJ: That ain't my gun.
Tenpenny: Don't bullsh*t me, Carl.
Pulaski: Yeah, don't bullsh*t him, Carl.
CJ: What the f* you want from me this time?
Tenpenny: When we want you, we'll find you. In the meantime, try not to gun down any more officers of the law. (laughing)
CJ: You all can't leave me here. This Ballas' country.
Tenpenny: I thought you said you was innocent, Carl? That you don't bang?
Pulaski: This is car 58...
Tenpenny: See you around, like a donut, Carl. (laughing)
(Carl is thrown out of the police car.)
Pulaski : WHAT? Officer Pendelbury's down? We'll be right over.
(The police car drives out of sight.)
Unused Line Tenpenny | See hernandez, that is how an experienced officer deals with a known threat.
CJ | Ah sh, here we go again. Worst place in the world.
CJ |Rollin Heights Balla country.
CJ | I ain't represented Grove Street in five years, but the Ballas won't give a sh.
You can strip out / Cannabalize Parts for your own blimp / Airship. No credits required. You're Welcome.
Post.Scriptum: I made it glass so that you can see and Cannabalize what is inside. You can change the Glass to Hollow Blocks in XML: partType | Fuselage-Hollow-1
Nuclear Tests................................Yes
Plane Crash Tests.........................Yes
War Breakout................................Yes
Severe Storm Tests.......................Yes
Missile Tests..................................Yes
House 1: FATAL
House 2: FATAL
House 3: FATAL
House 4: FATAL
House 5: FATAL
House 6: FATAL
House 7: SEVERE
House 8: SEVERE
House 9: MINOR
House 10: FATAL
House 11: SEVERE
House 12: FATAL
House 13: N/A
House 14: SEVERE
House 15: FATAL
House 16: FATAL
It is nice to see people Adding Safety protection.
By the way, Funky trees code for Issue 5 is:
XML 1 - AltitudeAgl
It means: Can be activated when 1 feet Above the Altitude Ground Level.
XML AltitudeAgl<1 AltitudeAgl<1 (Correction)
Same as before.
Issue 3:
Cover it up using Fine tuner and fuselage.
Yes, annoyed when there is 8 months ago. This happened to me in one of my accounts when someone asked me "When did you join?" but I forgot. The date when I joined was when I made my first shared plane.
@SteamPunkPilot And what about that collaboration? Abandon? Also i can help in this post. Can i post a fixed version if i figure out. No, i already figured out. In my latest blimp (currently in development) i made a working VerticalTakeOffLanding aircraft, and i can help here too.
After all. ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
Mum, why my phone crashed?
+5Nice! Tag
+4@Boelin @Xx24reminder
Pulaski | Hey, don't worry about it I'll fill it out later.
Tenpenny | Welcome home carl. Glad to be back?
Tenpenny | You haven't forgotten about us have you boy?
Carl Johnson | Hell no officer Tenpenny
Carl Johnson | I was wondering what took you so long.
Tenpenny | Get in the car.
Carl Johnson | Ease up, man, damn.
Tenpenny | Watch your head!
CJ bumps
Carl Johnson | Ahh!
Tenpenny | Oh, my bad.
Pulaski | hehehehehe!
Pulaski | Get out of here you greaseball b**tard!
Pulaski | Stupid Mexican...
Pulaski | Oh, hey sorry.
CJ | My bag. Hey man, my bag!
Tenpenny: How you been, Carl? How's your wonderful family?
CJ: I'm here to bury my Moms. You know that.
Tenpenny: Yeah, I guess I do. So what else you got shakin' Carl?
CJ: Nothing. I live in Liberty City now. I'm clean. Legit.
Tenpenny: No, you ain't never been clean, Carl.
Pulaski: Well, what've we got here?
Tenpenny: This is a weapon, Officer Pulaski, that was used to gun down a police officer not ten minutes ago. Officer Pendelbury. A fine man, I might add. You work fast, n*gga.
CJ: You know I just got off the plane.
Pulaski: It's a good thing we found you and retrieved the murder weapon.
CJ: That ain't my gun.
Tenpenny: Don't bullsh*t me, Carl.
Pulaski: Yeah, don't bullsh*t him, Carl.
CJ: What the f* you want from me this time?
Tenpenny: When we want you, we'll find you. In the meantime, try not to gun down any more officers of the law. (laughing)
CJ: You all can't leave me here. This Ballas' country.
Tenpenny: I thought you said you was innocent, Carl? That you don't bang?
Pulaski: This is car 58...
Tenpenny: See you around, like a donut, Carl. (laughing)
(Carl is thrown out of the police car.)
Pulaski : WHAT? Officer Pendelbury's down? We'll be right over.
(The police car drives out of sight.)
Unused Line Tenpenny | See hernandez, that is how an experienced officer deals with a known threat.
CJ | Ah sh, here we go again. Worst place in the world.
+4CJ |Rollin Heights Balla country.
CJ | I ain't represented Grove Street in five years, but the Ballas won't give a sh.
You can strip out / Cannabalize Parts for your own blimp / Airship. No credits required. You're Welcome.
Post.Scriptum: I made it glass so that you can see and Cannabalize what is inside. You can change the Glass to Hollow Blocks in XML:
partType | Fuselage-Hollow-1
How to do with buildings checklist
Nuclear Tests................................Yes
Plane Crash Tests.........................Yes
War Breakout................................Yes
Severe Storm Tests.......................Yes
Missile Tests..................................Yes
House 1: FATAL
+4House 2: FATAL
House 3: FATAL
House 4: FATAL
House 5: FATAL
House 6: FATAL
House 7: SEVERE
House 8: SEVERE
House 9: MINOR
House 10: FATAL
House 11: SEVERE
House 12: FATAL
House 13: N/A
House 14: SEVERE
House 15: FATAL
House 16: FATAL
Huh yeah, i already knew that. Tilting / turning your phone right? Like many Google playstore plane apps, theres this feature.
+3Ahh, now someone upvoted my comment.
Don't let this be a bad day!
We only have a quarter of fuel left sir, i think we need to crash land!
The fuel is 0 sir!
It is stalling sir!
5000 feet! Where is the pitch control?! There is only steering wheel!
We are sorry sir, we rushed this and forgot the yoke sir.
+3Can be Deployed in Mid-Air issue
It is nice to see people Adding Safety protection.
By the way, Funky trees code for Issue 5 is:
1 - AltitudeAgl
It means: Can be activated when 1 feet Above the Altitude Ground Level.
AltitudeAgl<1 (Correction)Same as before.
Issue 3:
Cover it up using Fine tuner and fuselage.
Yes, annoyed when there is 8 months ago. This happened to me in one of my accounts when someone asked me "When did you join?" but I forgot. The date when I joined was when I made my first shared plane.
+2@SajabAerospace This is nice!
+2Disc 11 plays
+2For the horizontal one or heading:
+2(TargetHeading - Heading) / 180
For the vertical one or elevation;
(TargetElevation) / 90
Welp, anyways Tag me.
Wow, this is nice.
+2Uhh, who is spotlighting all of the comments?
+2Ahh, i just witnessed you putting images @XAircraftManufacturer
+2@SchwererKreuzerPrinzEugen Too laggy, but atleast worth it.
+2@SteamPunkPilot And what about that collaboration? Abandon? Also i can help in this post. Can i post a fixed version if i figure out. No, i already figured out. In my latest blimp (currently in development) i made a working VerticalTakeOffLanding aircraft, and i can help here too.
+2After all. ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
Catalina: You have been a busy boy!
+2Catalina: But you haven't learned, im not to be trusted.
Catalina: Kill the idiot!
Well @BarrowAircraft, i was going to comment that. Coincidence maybe..
+230 downloads only?!
+2It took me more than a year to finish the plane.
19797956466231355755754446785474657856575555765444345537534480393383963163636705395939659377328421949392272736 Infinity propellerCount
Game Crashed
+2To detach the Engine right after Lift-Off:
activationGroup | 0
input | clamp01(AltitudeAgl>10)
Funky treeKamikaze? Divine Wind?
Divine Wind!
+2It is a great plane overall. Nice Cockpit interior and Cabin Interior. I cant upvote since i need 30 Points first. (15 points currently)
+2@IceCraftGaming Variables. If you want manual startup.
+1@PapaKernels Please unpin it. Just please, your welcome.
+1@PapaKernels what the why you pin me? That is just a joke, I mean this is nice. It is also mobile friendly.
+1@VisionAviation Sometimes, I prefer ingame, sometimes I prefer the variables. Do you use modifications? Mods for short
+1@IceCraftGaming nah, i memorized the original title, it is "Found out how to give a R A P I D U P D O O T".
+1Autopilot AI.
+1I can help. But will be worst, still practicing on cockpit interiors, and my question: "How did I suddenly discovered I am actually good at building?
+1@SteamPunkPilot Link
+1This is nice! Hope you get ahead me soon!
+1@Levi124 Sorry, im just too late. I also can relate, like now I need to do all of my assignments. 23 of them.
+1@Redheadracer48 @Korzalerke
+1This is great!
+1666 on the tail
+1This is nice! Beautiful!